Part 4 of 4
With the PowerSet Advanced Calculator Series,
Newton users can access a scientific calculator with full programability, lower &
upper decomposition of matrices, 2D graphing, real-time rotation of 3D objects, linear
interpolation, right and left shifting of binary numbers, solving of quadratic equations,
and more. An extended feature set also includes equation tracking, solution tracking,
multiple on-screen combinations of graphs, equations, and tools. The PowerSet
Advanced Calculator series is composed of four calculators: MathStar, Eclipse GX, Nebula
and Basis. This multi-functional basic to advanced calculator set is now available
for a reduced registration price. Credit: Sine of the Times.
ProCALC 1.1 - Even though the Newton shipped with a built in calculator
there was early demand for a scientific calculator. proCALC addresses other calculators
shortcomings and provides several unique features including - Reassignment of the Newton
built in calculator icon (doesn't clutter the extras draw with its own icon). Aesthetic
and functional emulation of a "real" calculator. (yes I know the off switch is a
Newton user interface crime but the HP33 didn't have a close box). Observation of operator
precedence (ie 1+2*3 = 7 not 9). Over 50 Scientific and financial functions (inc DEC and
HEX conversions) and more!
The Reisitor App is a simple hack that improves
on the Resistor Calculator. The new features in this version of the Resister App make it
more useful in a lab environment because of its versatility. The author also added a
battery level monitor so that older message pads can still monitor the state of its
charge. Credit: Ian Reinhart Geiser
Resistor Value Calc - This is just a quick applet I wrote to help me
calculate resistor values, since I haven't memorized the stripe values. To use it, just
enter the color of each band into the radio button clusters (labeled 1,2,3, and 4, moving
from left to right with the metallic band on the right.) The colors are black (BLK), brown
(BRN), red (RED), orange (ORN), yellow (YEL), green (GRN), blue (BLU), violet (VIO), grey
(GRY), and white (WHI). The tolerances (the metallic band) are the fourth row, and are
either gold (5 percent) or silver (10 percent).
RPN Calc 0.91 - RPN Calc is my interpretation of an HP41/42 style RPN
calculator. It contains most of the basic functionality of an HP scientific calculator.
This is my first effort at Newton programming, I hope you enjoy using it. Version 0.91 -
Fixed a minor problem with entry of EEX or Decimal immediately after a two operand
function (+, -, etc.).
SciCalc 1.0b4 - SciCalc is a simple implementation of a standard (i.e.
NOT Reverse Polish or 'RPN') scientific calculator for the Apple Newton MessagePad and
similar PDAs. If you do find problems, please let the author know so that he can rectify
them in the next release.
Stochastic 1.0.1 - The Random & Psuedo-Random Number Sequence
Generator for the Newton. Stochastic is a program that generates random &
psuedo-random number sequences on your Newton. These sequences are frequently used by
people for things like raffles or lotteries, statistical sampling, and behavioral
research. Particularly in the behavioral research field, where study participants are
exposed to a sequence of treatment conditions, these sequences are frequently generated in
a psuedo-random manner, with each treatment condition appearing equally often. The
software is being distributed as shareware and as such may be used for a period of 7 days
before it will expire and require a valid serial number. The software is compatible with
both Newton 1.3 and 2.0 systems.
SuperCalc is a simple Newton calculator -- but
with a twist. You can enter equations directly into this free-form calculator. Using the
handwritten recognition, you simply write out the equation [eg. 1 + 2 * 3]. Complex
equations can be easily generated and saved for later access. Credit: Herb Otto.
TimeToGoReading - This newton package (made with Steve Weyer's newt)
tells you the time to go to finish a task based on your previous performance. In
particular, you can use it to project time to finish reading something. If you don't know
how long something you have to do is going to take, you might push away friends and family
until you get it done. I would like to read popular books on science and psychology, but
tend to put them off not knowing how long it will take to finish them. Knowing how long it
would take to finish, gets me to sit down and finish them. Or if it is a bad day for me,
the projection will be so dismal, I might instead spend some quality time with friends.
to the formulas app to easily figure out the tip. Freeware. Credit: Stand Alone Software.
TrackIt 1.2 - Use to record and graph any set of numbers. The data set
can be time based or just a sequential set of numbers. If the data set is time based the X
axis will graph the points spaced to reflect the time between points. Data sets can be
time based or evenly spaced points. Expand/shrink the scale on the graphs x axis. New in
version 1.1 each graph can display a different scale, graph labels and Min/Max settings
can be changed. http://www.ccinet.ab.ca/pmitchell/ TrackIt is shareware, $5 US. This
release runs on Newton OS2.0 only.
TraderPDQ 1.0 - NewtwarePDQ has announced TraderPDQ -- a securities
pricing calculator. Version 1.0 will be distributed as Freeware, version 2.0 will be
Shareware. TraderPDQ calculates the price, yield, and discount for Bonds, Notes, and Bills
(and bank CD's). It is similar in function to the HP-12C, and the Monroe Trader. For more
info send email to: <monica@openix.com> or WWW:
Weight - Weight is a very simple Newton app for pilots. I wrote it last
year while learning Newton Programming. It does one thing - It calculates the total weight
of passengers, baggage, and fuel for a four seat airplane. You can compare the useful load
of a few airplane models. Source code included. If you want any changes, you'll have to
make them yourself - I don't have Newton Toolkit anymore.
Last Update: 03/02/97 |
Writer's Calc 1.01 - I demonstrated a Newton PDA to my friend his first
question was, "Can it do math?" Of course, Writer's Calc allows you to enter an
expression anywhere that accepts text input and compute the answer by tapping the Assist
button. Try it! The valid Assist verbs are '=' and 'calc'. Try writing one of the document
examples in the Notepad and tap Assist. Please note, that for the Newton Intelligent
Assistant to interpret the expression you MUST have a SPACE between the verb and the
expression. Some users have found that they can execute other Newton internal functions.
If you do this you do so at your own risk. Some of these functions can really screw up
your Newton. Please only use the documented functions. 1.x and 2.0.