Part 3 of 4
Lectraref is a collection of pinouts and IC diagrams for a fairly
diverse set of integrated circuits. The items in its database are mostly legacy
components, focused on 74XX series logic ICs, as well as a number of other devices.
Lunar Matrix Beta - Matrix will allow you to solve up to 6 unknowns in
the form of linear equations. For example, Matrix lets you solve - 3x+4y=10, 4x+7y=14. To
solve this set of equations, you would first switch to a 2x2 matrix (using the Matrix Size
drop-down). Next, tap on the cell A1, and enter 3,Tap on cell A2 and enter 4 Tap on cell A
and 10, Tap on cell B1 and enter 4, Tap on cell B2 and enter 7, Tap on cell B and enter
14, Pressing solve will produce your results. Results will be displayed in cells next to
the 10 and 14. To view the results in better accuracy, simply tap on the cell. This
application is freeware. The full commercial version will soon be available with MagiCalc.
Margin Master 2.0 - Margin Master is accessible through Formulas, on
your Newton, and is good for calculating retail margins. It offers dynamic price
adjustments via a percentage slider and the ability to round results.
Marine Corps Calc 1.0 - Marine Corps Calculator for Newton is a utility
to assist certain members of the United States Marine Corps in determining their
eligibility for promotion. This program can be used to determine whether a marine may be
promoted from lance corporal to corporal or from corporal to sergeant. The Marine Corps
Calculator is a form template which is filled in by the user. Key fields - Name, age,
rifle score, PFT Score, proficiency score, conduct mark, self-education bonus, BST Score,
Date entered service, Date Last Promo, Recruiter/MSG Bonus, Command Recruiting Bonus,
Composite Score and Cutting Score.
The latest in Prism Research's math and physics
applications, MathLib is an advanced math and stats routine library exportable to any
Newton Script application. Now, MathLib is smaller, faster and offers more base
conversions. Credit: Prism Research.
MathStar 1.1 Demo - Welcome to Lunar MathStar! We hope you find this
package to be exceptional, bringing a combination of computational power and innovative
features to your daily activities involving numerical calculations. Lunar MathStar is a
fairly new piece of engineering software, and thus like any new product it does require a
bit of patience and learning. If you have prior experience with spreadsheets, much of
Lunar MathStar will come naturally. Quickly summarized, Lunar MathStar combines equation
programming, conversions, factors, spreadsheet abilities, in an intelligent and effective
mathematics package for the Newton. Formerly known as Lunar Sage. MathStar now comes with
a 30+ page Word 6.0 document.
MolBio Calc 1.0 - This is an example of a Molecular Biology dedicated
Newton applet. It calculates DNA concentration based on 260nm and 280 nm optical density.
Enter the O.D. and ...the concentration is there! This is the first part of a package of
calculators being developed for molecular biologists at Cornell University Medical
Molecular Mass 2.0 - A molecular mass calculator for the Newton
platform. Mass is $10 USD shareware. There are 12 user defineable buttons, which can be
used to store your own most used atoms. Tapping on a blank user button will enter the data
entry screen. Note tapping on an atom in the formula view brings up the isotope choices.
If you find any bugs or have any suggestions please email the authors.
MyCalculator - MyCalculator is intended as a relatively simple postfix
(i.e. reverse-polish notation or RPN) calculator for the Newton MessagePad. MyCalculator
has not been thoroughly tested. Use it at your own risk. If you are calculating something
important, double-check your results with some other variety of calculation. Numbers are
restricted to six digits after the decimal point, mostly so that they'll fit on the
screen. The use of the number and operator keys should be pretty obvious since all of the
stack is visible on the screen. Includes full documentation.
OpPrice 1.2 - OpPrice is an option valuation program for the Newton
MessagePad. OpPrice is powerful, yet easy to use. Just enter the five variables that
determine an option's theoretical value (price, strike price, volatility, time remaining,
and short term interest rate) and tap the "Calc" button. The option's values
(price, delta, gamma, vega and theta) will be displayed for calls (and puts in the
registered version).
Periodic Table 1.0 - Periodic table puts a new entry into the formulas
app. It has 4 basic parts. The first part, the graphic representation of the periodic
table of elements, allows you to click on a particular element to find information on it.
In addition, you can tap on it's name to bring up a list of all the elements, sorted by
either atomic number or name. Next to the chart is the element's symbol, and, to it's
upper and lower left, it's mass number and atomic number. Writing an element's symbol over
the current symbol will bring that element's data up. Below the symbol is an icon of
scales. Tapping this will bring up a window in which you can write a chemical compound's
formula. Tapping the 'Calculate Mass' button will find the molecular mass of the subject
formula. Finally, at the bottom of the screen is a list of data on the element, which can
be scrolled using the arrow buttons at it's upper left.
Table installs a new entry into the Formulas app of your Newton. Tapping it will open the
table window. You can tap on an element to bring up information on it, or write in its
atomic symbol to jump directly to it Each element has several pieces of associated data
(note: not all information is available for each elemnt, as some do not apply.) Electron
configuration, Atomic weight, State, Density, Boiling point, Melting point, Heat of
fusion, Heat of vaporization, Specific heat, Group, Crystal structure, Atomic volume,
Atomic radius, Covalent radius, Thermal conductivity, First ionic potential,
Electronegativity and Oxide. 30 day shareware. Credit: Stand Alone Software.
PilotPad 1.0 - PilotPad is an initial release of a pilot's assistant for
the Newton Message Pad. It allows the pilot to calculate ground speed and true heading
without the use of the E6-B flight computer. Mind you, this is only an initial release and
I hope there is more to come. This release only touches on the potential of the Newton and
its possible aid to pilots. I would be interested it talking to anyone who is directly
involved with the aviation industry or who knows someone that is interested in developing
a fully featured product for commercial distribution. Pass this message on to your
aviation marketing buddy.