Part 3 of 3
Newt'sTime 1.2 is a time-synchronization
application for the MessagePad. Newt'sTime allows a MessagePad running NOS 2.x to
synchronize its internal clock with a standard time reference via a simple phone call. NIE
is not required, but a modem is needed. This registered version was re-released as
freeware as Visual Newt's way of thanking the Newton community for their support.
Both downloads below are password protected. The password is: Resist. (Case
sensitive) Credit: Serg Koren, VisualNewt.
VoiceAlarm 1.0 is a utility for creating your own
alert sounds for the Newton. VoiceAlarm 1.0 is tightly integrated into the MessagePad and
allows you to record (using the built-in microphone) and use sounds as system alerts.
Recorded sounds can be stored and optionally enabled for use by the Newton alert system.
This registered version was re-released as freeware as Visual Newt's way of thanking the
Newton community for their support. Both downloads below are password protected.
The password is: Edition. (Case sensitive) Credit: Serg Koren,
Hunter is an arcade shoot 'em up -- blast descending spectral invaders from your tank!
Stand Alone's latest arcade offering is rich in both graphics AND sound. Credit:
Stand Alone Software.
AlarmClock 2.7 (NOS 2.x) and 1.4 (NOS 1.x) -
AlarmClock is the ultimate alarm clock for the Newton! AlarmClock is for all those who
have forgotten in the past to bring their travel clocks on business or vacation, have had
bad experiences with absent-minded hotels, or are unhappy with the current clock
implementation. AlarmClock is loud and configurable, exactly what one needs in a travel
clock! Credit: Foundation Systems. FREEWARE!
ProofRead is a text correction utility for the
Newton. ProofRead will work in Notes or any view which accepts text input. ProofRead is
extensible, meaning one can choose which parts to install. ProofRead 1.0 comes
pre-installed with a text search and replace function. Credit: Foundation Systems.
Introducing Styles+, the only real replacement
for Apple's built-in style palette. You will never be limited by just the Bold and
Underline styles, nor 9-18 point font sizes! With Styles+, you gain complete styles access
for all of your Newton applications! Credit: Foundation Systems. FREEWARE!
xWord Buddy is a multi-featured crossword player
for Newton MP 120, 130, 2x00 and eMate 300. xWord Buddy reads crosswords saved in the
Across Puzzle .puz format at the LitSoft Crossword Gallery or the New York Times crossword
section. The latest release fixes a sound problem with MessagePad 120's and 130's. A few
crossword puzzles are included to start you off. Credit: Tactile Systems.
Twerx is a NotePad to NewtWorks document importer
for the Newton MessagePad 2x00 and eMate. Newton users will find Twerx a snap -- just
select Twerx from the routing menu of the NotePad, In/Out box or any text export enabled
application, and bring the data right into NewtWorks. For usage and installation notes,
see the included README. This version fixes an expire problem reported with Twerx
1.0b3. Credit: Innovative Computer Solutions.
Wake Up Call is perfect for anyone who users
their Newton as an alarmclock, and offers more options and features than the included
alarm clock. Features include the ability to create custom "wake up call" audio
recordings to use for the alarm, a "foolproof" interface, flexible configuration
options, and special options designed for heavy sleepers.Wake Up Call offers so many
options, it comes with a PDF format users guide explaining each. The software takes full
advantage of the audio capabilities of Newton OS 2.1, which it requires. Credit: Five
Speed Software.
MoreInfo is a powerful application which
seamlessly extends the Newton's built-in applications making the Newton a true contact
manager. MoreInfo adds these features in such a way that when using it, you will not know
where the built-in features end and MoreInfo begins. MoreInfo has been designed to
anticipate your every move and provide you with the vital information you need to manage
your numerous contacts and busy schedule. This product also takes advantage of Macintalk!
Macintalk is NOT available from the developers of More Info. See Readme for program
details. Credit: SilverWare.
ExpensePlus 2.1 is a powerful Newton software
package that lets you capture business expense transactions on your PDA while traveling on
behalf of your company or employer. To get reimbursed for your business expenses, you need
to create an expense report -- often in a custom form provided to you by your employer.
ExpensePlus will link up to virtually any expense report form in any custom format created
in Claris' FileMaker Pro, Informed Manager, or Microsoft Excel for Macintosh or Windows.
The latest version is faster and includes many more options than previous versions.
For the full documentation, visit WalletWare's website. Credit: WalletWare.
Backdrop is a backdrop application for Newton devices with OS 2.1 (which means a MP2000,
MP2100, or eMate 300). Advantages? It's small (15K), it's fast, it takes up little heap,
and it's free. This backdrop program includes many features and options -- and an
Easter Egg! See included readme for usage instructions. Credit: Avi Drissman.
The Newton Portfolio Manager 1.04 helps Newton
users monitor stock investments, mutual fund performance and keep an eye on options and
bonds. NEW: Compatible with Macintalk! Credit: NewtBrick.
Newton SunPos version 03.01.98 now with 3D shadow
view shows a graphical representation of the position at any given time, in any given
city. Change pitch, yaw and zoom in and out with interactive sliders. ( The line on the
base is North ) Credit: Allan Beihl.