Part 3 of 3
Aloha is an email client for Newton PDAs that uploads and downloads
email from America Online. Performs flash
email session to AOL, access multiple AOL accounts, save multiple access numbers.
SprintNet, AOLNet, AOLGlobalNet, and AOL's 800 number networks supported. Features
an auto scheduler, return receipt and works with cellular and landline modems. Connect at
speeds up to 28,800 baud, filter incoming messages on title or email address, set internet
style signature to all out going messages. This latest version fixes a scrolling bug.
14 day demo. Credit: Catamount Software.
Leverage is a powerful database builder for
Newton devices. Leverage features very easy database creation and query definition, simple
data exchange with desktop applications, and excellent performance. This demo is a
pre-alpha version to test user evaluation of potential new features. Credit:
Balcones Software.
A very cool travel app!
Just enter the location you want to be at! Users can enter an address for
any avenue in Manhattan and the application instantly gives the nearest cross-town street.
This demo calculates streets only for Fifth Avenue addresses. Credit: True North.
From Afghanistan to Zimbabwe, all the
International Dialing Codes you need are all here in one handy book. International Dialing
Codes has been released as 'donationware'. If you find the book helpful, make a donation
or send a word of support for future development to the author: Edward Tsang, email
Dvorak is a free extension that adds the Dvorak keyboard layout to your
Newton. Now your virtual and external keyboards can be used in the Dvorak layout for
faster and more comfortable data entry! Open Extras->Prefs->Locale->Keyboard and
choose Dvorak to change your keyboard layout to the Dvorak style. The latest version
includes a fix so that the Dvorak keyboard no longer becomes the default keyboard upon
restart. Credit: Adam Tow of Foundation Systems.
SBM Services, a freeware tool to help Newton
users further customize entries in Names, Owner info and other menu options. Defaults and
definitions may be set for: Email services, Credit card types, Pager types, Phone
types. The latest version features management of several telephone providers,
automatic selection of cheapest provider per connection and a fully integrated Newton user
interface. The latest version includes a fix for a bug in the parts 'Credit Card
Types' and 'Phone Providers' which could corrupt the data. To update from 3.0 to
3.0.1 scrub out 'Services' from the extras drawer and answer 'No' to the question for
deleting the data too. Now install the new version. After installing please reboot your
Newton. Credit: Softwarebüro Müller.
Backdrop is a backdrop application for Newton devices with OS 2.1 (which means a MP2000,
MP2100, or eMate 300). Advantages? It's small (15K), it's fast, it takes up little heap,
and it's free. This backdrop program includes many features and options including
Anniversary and Birthday warnings and a great 10061 error work-around! See included readme
for usage instructions. Credit: Avi Drissman.
Unlimited Folders 2.0 is a complete folder
management utility for the Newton. With Unlimited Folders, users may customize the popup
folder management icon in native Newton apps to include their own hierarchical filing
system. Unlimited Folders for Newton 2.0 is fully user customizable and allows changing
the status of a folder level from local to global. Many many more features are also
included. THIS VERSION EXPIRES JUNE 20th, 1998. Credit: SilverWARE.
If you use your Newton to keep track of movies
you've been wanting to rent, try Tom Sheppard's Newton Book of the world famous Internet
Movie Database. Mr. Sheppard's Newton book is a searchable collection of movies mostly
from the US and Canada released between 1997 and 1998. While some information was
not included due to size limitations, the book contains the title, country, rating, votes
for the rating, plot and the person who provided the plot description, actors (in ranked
order where info was provided), directors and producers. The author warns that some
higher ASCII characters may be garbled and various errors may occur. When searching, names
of actors, directors and producers are in "last, first" order Character names
are "first last". Users interested in downloading the Newton Book of IMDb may
also want to grab Avi Drissman's '61 Memory Fix
as the author reports his book is near expert in generating -10061 errors.
IMPORTANT: When downloading this 3.5 MB file, make sure you have enough space on a card to
do so -- if insufficient space is available, the card will be erased. Credit:
Tom Sheppard.