Part 1 of 3
As reported in our recent reader survey, over 50%
of Planet Newton readers are Windows 95 users. Not all of them may have a sense of humor,
but for those that do, check out logic tools' Win95 Emulator. Brought to the Newton
community by logic tools' Drunken Programmers Project, the Emulator has "all the
functionality of a WINtel computer... It can display the time... you can use the start
button... it crashes." In the words of the developer, a laugh is "worth some
work" and we agree! Credit: Drunken Programmers Project, logic tools, and Nick
A very cool travel app!
Just enter the location you want to be at! Users can enter an address for
any avenue in Manhattan and the application instantly gives the nearest cross-town street.
This demo calculates streets only for Fifth Avenue addresses. New in version 1.5,
enter any street address and CrossTown finds the closest avenues. Credit:
True North.
Deep Green is considered the best chess-playing
program for the Newton platform, will an 80 opening-move dictionary, selectable difficulty
levels, and the ability to play itself as well as a human. Feature-complete beta version
(expires 10/1/98). This version includes an optional setting to 'dumb down' Deep Green,
making the game easier for beginners. A few users have reported rare problems when
installing the new version on top of the older Deep Green 1.0b1. The reason is probably
that the Deep Green preferences may still refer to the old and now removed package. If you
encounter this error, visit the Deep Green website for a
quick, simple prefs cleaner. Freeware. Credit: Joachim Bondo & Jens Martin
Invite those charming tykes from SouthPark to
celebrate XMas on your Newton! This file is about 2M on your Newton, but worth the
download. Credit: Arnold Kim, Nemesis Productions.
Personal Minutes Supervisor is a
Newton application that allows you to keep track of time spent on your projects almost
without trying. This latest version includes many new features like exportable data to
spreadsheets, and third party export support and export to Fax, Printer or Email. Credit:
Burr Oak Software.
SimpleMail is a Newton e-mail transport that lets
you send and receive messages over the internet using POP/SMTP. It uses the Newton
Internet Enabler (NIE 1.1 or NIE 2.0), so it will only work with Newton 2.0 or better.
Fixed crash problem when changing format in the routing slip. It works with MP120,
MP130, MP2000 and eMate. It's compact, taking up only 87K store space. Best of all,
SimpleMail is free! Credit: Simon Bell.
Area Code Change allows Newton users to easily
update their Names data with new codes, in one step. Area Code Change includes major
interface and functionality improvements. Users can now search and replace area codes!
Credit: Adam Tow, Foundation Systems.
If you use your Newton to keep track of movies
you've been wanting to rent, try Tom Sheppard's Newton Book of the world famous Internet
Movie Database. Mr. Sheppard's Newton book is a searchable collection of movies mostly
from the US and Canada released between 1997 and 1998. While some information was
not included due to size limitations, the book contains the title, country, rating, votes
for the rating, plot and the person who provided the plot description, actors (in ranked
order where info was provided), directors and producers. This version has been
attractively formatted and also features better text handling. Users interested in
downloading the Newton Book of IMDb may also want to grab Avi Drissman's '61 Memory Fix as
the author reports his book may generate -10061 errors. IMPORTANT: When
downloading this 3.5 MB file, make sure you have enough space on a card to do so -- if
insufficient space is available, the card will be erased. For screenshots
and other info, visit Mr. Sheppard's website. Credit: Tom Sheppard.
Nick's Fort Knox is the safe way to hide all of
your PINs and passwords on your Newton. Features include a time lock when intruders
detected, an intruder log and a varieable character set for possible Pins including text,
ink and graphics. Credit: logic tools, Nick Müller, München.
MoviePlayer a simple Quicktime movie player for
the Newton, MoviePlayer 1.0. While this package is simple in nature, the wow factor is
huge. The developer recommends having at least 130kb of free memory available before
installation. A fully functional 30 day demo Credit: Peter M. Leenes of NewtBrick.
Unlimited Folders 2.01 is a complete folder
management utility for the Newton. With Unlimited Folders, users may customize the popup
folder management icon in native Newton apps to include their own hierarchical filing
system. Unlimited Folders for Newton 2.01 is fully user customizable and allows changing
the status of a folder level from local to global. Many many more features are also
included. 30 day demo. Credit: SilverWARE.
ViewFrame is an object browsing and debugging
tool for the Newton, formerly commercially availavle now a freeware gift of the developer.
ViewFrame had been published for the last few years by Creative Digital. ViewFrame 1.2 was
the most recent commercial version. It works on every Newton device, however it leaves
some things to be desired on Newton 2.1 devices (such as keyboard equivalents and support
for grayscale icons). Freeware. Credit: Jason Harper.