Part 1 of 3
Graphical demo of rotating Newton logo. Processor
intensive - so MP2x00 required. Credit: Nemesis Productions.
A Telnet client for the Newton platform that fully supports NIE 2.0 (and
Ethernet connections), PT100 also is a very complete and functional VT100 terminal
emulator. The versions here are shareware, and will only support sessions of 5 minutes or
less; full versions can be purchased directly from the developer (contact info enclosed in
the files below). Credit: Scrawl Software.
This is a replacement keyboard for the standard
QWERTY soft-keyboard that comes standard on the Newton. It is intended for those who
handwrite quite a bit on their Newtons. The Mini Writer's Keyboard is a smaller version of
the Writer's Keyboard. However, this version no longer has vertical orientation as an
option and the keyboard is always tiny. Credit: Arnold Kim, Nemesis Productions.
Astronomical Precession is a freeware calculator
that will determine the position of a star in the sky based upon prior known data. If you
knew where the star was (in celestial coordinates) on a certain date (epoch), this program
will calculate where the star can be found at any other time within 500 years of the
original data. The author credits an astronomy magazine with the original algorithm, but
the Newton version is an original effort. Credit: David Findley.
SimpleMail is a Newton e-mail transport that lets
you send and receive messages over the internet using POP/SMTP. It uses the Newton
Internet Enabler (NIE 1.1 or NIE 2.0), so it will only work with Newton 2.0 or better. It
works with MP120, MP130, MP2000 and eMate. It's compact, taking up only 87K store space.
Best of all, SimpleMail is free! Credit: Simon Bell
LookOut 1.1 beta 3 supports synchronization of
contacts, appointments and tasks from Microsoft Outlook. This program is fully integrated
with the Newton's Names and Dates calendar, and can synchronize OutLook tasks with a
Newton's To Do list. Data can be transferred via serial cable, modem or even via email.
LookOut offers newton users a reliable Windows to Newtons communication. This beta
will expire on March 4, 1998. To Install: Unzip, then run the resulting file -
lookout11b1.exe. Be sure you have already installed Microsoft's Outlook. The
Newton lookout.pkg must be installed, and will be located in: x:\program
files\seamless software\lookout\lookout.pkg where X is your drive letter.
Credit: Seamless Software.
Revelar's Accordian Connection Utility provides a
feature-filled live connection from any NOS 2.x Newton to FileMaker Pro 3.0 databases on a
Macintosh. Accordian Connection Utility 1.0 is intended for use with FileMaker Pro 3.0 for
the Macintosh (68040 or PowerPC processor, System 7.x or 8, 8 Mb RAM) and the Newton
MessagePad 120, 130, 2x000 or eMate 300 running NOS 2.x. This download includes
documentation and is shareware. Credit: Revelar Software.
Would you like to show folks more reasons why they
should get themselves the best PDA in the business? Have a look at Dean Siracusa's original Newton Book on how he uses his
Newton every day. Credit: Dean Siracusa, Siracusa Productions. Mr. Siracusa is
an automotive advertising photographer and professor of photography at The Art Center
College of Design in Pasadena, CA.
Aloha is an email client for Newton PDAs that uploads and downloads
email from America Online. Performs flash
email session to AOL, access multiple AOL accounts, save multiple access numbers.
SprintNet, AOLNet, AOLGlobalNet, and AOL's 800 number networks supported. Features
an auto scheduler, return receipt and works with cellular and landline modems. Connect at
speeds up to 28,800 baud, filter incoming messages on title or email address, set internet
style signature to all out going messages. 14 day demo. Credit: Catamount Software.
Newton Aviator is the world's only flight
planning product for the Newton PDA. Users can plan every aspect of a flight, from basic
pre-flight planning to flight speed, weight, balance and course. Using a built-in airport
database, including computing true course, users may anticipate heading and groundspeed,
weight and balance, density altitude, expected time enroute, and more. Listed below, NOS
2.x software and documentation. Credit: Jeff Piazza, Newton Aviator
Crypto is a great word puzzle game which supports
solving cryptogram, code, cipher (single character substitution) puzzles, like those in
newspapers. Crypto is a shareware, 2.x-only Newton application: it works best on
MesssagePad 2000 (MP2K) or eMate, but it can also be used with short puzzles on smaller
screens (MP130 or MP120). Credit: Steve Weyer.