Part 2 of 2
NAreaCodes 0.4 - This app is a Formula template. That is, it installs
itself in the Newton's Forumulas app list. This is where you'll normally find the metric
and currency converters and the loan calculators. Now, you'll have an area code lookup
database in there as well. There is one field for you to enter an area code. Enter one and
tap the Find button to the right of the entry field. nAreaCodes will lookup that area code
and display what area is covered by that code. If you enter an invalid or unknown area
code, it will display "Not found". This app will expire 30 days after you
install it.
NDial 0.7 - This app adds a louder and adjustable length touch-tone
(DTMF) dialer to your Newton. It will evolve a bit more, but these are the first
renditions. When you open nDial, enter a number to dial, set the length desired for the
tones and tap the Dial button. It will create tones up to 4 seconds in length, but this is
dependent on how much free heap space your Newton has at dialing time. Slide to the left
for quick .25 second tones or to the right for up to 4 second tones. Commas and dashes are
supported and will create 500 and 50 millisecond pauses. All ASCII text characters are
mapped as they appear on a normal phone. The letters Q and Z are mapped to dial a 1. It
will expire 30 days after you install it.
nExchanges MD 0.1 - nExchanges.MD is a Formula panel of Maryland
telephone exchanges. If you need to look up an exhange, then this is for you. This allows
you to find out where a telephone number is located. Simply enter the first 3 digits of
the number and nExchanges will tell you where that number is located. This version is for
Maryland only, no other areas are available at this time, but soon... Shareware.
OzTel v1.1 - This (version 1.1) is the third_version of the first OzNUG
group programming project - a program to convert current Australian telephone numbers to
Austel's new 8 digit numbering scheme. Yes, all Australian Telephone numbers are changing
to 8 (eight, count 'em!) over the next three or four years, with many areas in the major
cities of Sydney & Melbourne changing by July 1995! At the same time, many area codes
are changing to a much simplified two-digit code (e.g. all of NSW will be 02, all of
Victoria 03 etc). Version 1.1 works for ALL numbers (i.e. it will convert any valid
Australian number, as long as it is entered with the both area code and number).
Password Dial lets you use a big, telephone type,
keypad to enter a password (letters and numbers). Now you don't have to write a password
or tap it out on a little keyboard. It also:
Doubles as a touch tone phone dialing pad. Has a Theft / Alarm function. Makes
the dialer touch tones louder. No more wimpy sounds when dialing - in any program.
Password Dial currently runs on NOS 1.x . For louder touch tone sounds for Newtons
with NOS 2.0 use ++Volume. Credit: DMP Systems.
Phone Services 1.0 - Phone Services lets you modify the phone popup.
(Phone, Home, Work, Tech Support, Secretary, Vacation, Parent's...).
++Volume (tm) is a small program (extension) to
increase the volume when you dial phone numbers. It does this by patching the O/S and
overriding the standard touch tone generaation routine. It also uses it's own set of touch
tone sounds as the ones in ROM don't sound so good when the volume in increased. This may
be why Apple LOWERS the volume when dialing. ++Volume will set the volume to the loudest
setting before dialing. After dialing the volume is reset to what it was. This version is
for MP2x00's only. Credit: DMP Systems.
SMS Mailer 1.0 - for Newton is a new package for Newton 2.0 devices,
designed to work in conjunction with the Nokia 2110 family of GSM phones through the Nokia
Cellular Datacard DTP-2. The program allows the user to compose and send SMS messages to
the screen of the receiver's GSM phone. The application works like the "while you
were out" popular notes, allowing easy composing of messages. Also, the destination
list stores the last used numbers, and work integrated with the "names" info to
select the receiver or receivers. Can manage group messages and multi-destination
messages. Shareware: 48 USD. Unregistered version works in full (only inserts a banner at
the beginning of each message). Can be registered online on CompuServe. Application can be
downloaded from CompuServe (GO NEWTON), and soon from other popular Internet sites.Contact
Last Update: 03/02/97 |
SMSNOKIA 0.2 - only for Newton OS 2.0 or higher. SMSNOKIA is designed
for the NOKIA Cellular Data Card (DTP-2) and the NOKIA Cellular Phone 2110. SMSNOKIA sends
Short Messages form a Cellular Phone to another Cellular Phone. SMSNOKIA is now also able
to read all new messages out of the phones memory into the Notepad. The maximum length of
a message is 160 chars, longer messages will be truncated to that size. Future releases of
SMSNOKIA may also allow other gateways like Cellular -> Pager or Cellular -> Fax.
Videophone.pkg - Newton as telephone for deaf people. We just have
completed the project, that was originally intended to help deaf poeple to commucnicate
with each other. It makes possible for them to use telephone. All they need - Newton and
modem - after connecting they get a virtual piece of paper where they can write to each
other. We have also made a support for Infrared port on Newton. This makes possible to
exchange pictured information on-line via infrared. Well, this has a lot of applications -
You can secretly talk to Your partner sitting right opposite to You during important
meeting, during the same meeting You can play X-0's and other funny games that You
normally play on a piece of paper. As usually, we've made DEMO version, which is included.
You can get updates at http://paragon.mda.de/prod05.htm#VPhone The applpication was tested
on MP2000 during COMDEX fall and turned to be compatible with it. We've made some minor
changes later on that shouldn't affect achieved compatibility, so I'm almost certain to
state - it is MP2000 COMPATIBLE ! -- Paragon Russia / Software Company - Moscow Phones:
+7(095)408-76-77, +7(095)408-61-79 Fax(auto): +7(095)408-76-77
BootManager/CDParaAcces/Newton/Windows95,NT development http://paragon.mda.de,