Part 1 of 2
AnsweringMachine - This is a program for the Newton, which must be
installed with the Newton Connectivity Kit. This is a small program to use with your
answering machine. Just enter your individual codes and call back the messages, store a
new message.. It´s uses about 41KByte on your Newton.
AppleLink US - AppleLink Phone Numbers. A guide to all of the phone
numbers for AppleLink in the US. Includes high speed numbers. In NewtonBook format.
AreaCodes 1.0 - AreaCodes is a Newton program written to address a minor
case of Zoomer envy expressed here some time ago. The program does just what you'd expect
- displays a list of area codes & country/city codes. It takes about a minute to build
its soup the first time you run it. After that it's pretty fast. Coming soon in 2.0 -
Support for Find, Add/Delete, and Separate soup & program packages.
Certain parts of the country are switching their area codes; rather than
going through each entry individually, users can now use Area Code Change to automatically
update their Name soup entries to the new area codes! Tapping on Area Code Change's icon
in the Extras Drawer will open the application. Follow these simple steps to change area
Optional Enter the name of the city to limit the search.
Enter the area code that you want to change. This is the search area code.
Enter the area code that will replace the search area code. This is the replace area code.
The search and replace area codes should be in the format: xyz, where x, y, and z are
Area codes of entries in the Names soup must be surrounded between parentheses; this
ensures an accurate replacement of the search string with the replace string. Note: If you
are using Newton OS 2.x, you don't have to worry about putting in an area code, Newton
automatically does this for you. Credit: Adam Tow of Foundation Systems.
Areas 1.00 - Areas is a Newton app that allows the user to look up US
and Canadian area codes. The state or province that the are code is in and the time zone
or time zones that the state or province is in are listed. Areas is free. Since I don¹t
promise to update it as area codes are added, the source code is free too.
DeciNames - On the 10th of October, the dutch PTT Telecom is changing
most of the phone and fax numbers in the Netherlands into 10 digits, to allow more
numbers. DeciNames will automatically convert your phonenumbers. Watch it, it's a one way
street! Het gebruik van DeciNames wijst zich vanzelf. De demoversie zal geen enkele
verandering doorvoeren in uw Newton bestanden. U kunt dus naar hartelust uit proberen!
DTMF Settings is an extension to the preferences
roll. After installing Newton users may change the volume and the speed of touch tone
dialing via the Newton's speaker. DTMF Settings is $10 shareware. Before registering
the DTMF Settings application will not save changes. Credit: Softwarebüro Müller.
Message Manager 2.0 Demo - Message Manager is the Newton-compatible tool
for busy professionals who need to manage, return and archive phone and voicemail
messages. Message Manager allows you to - Rapidly input phone messages with no tedious
entry of caller information. Archive old messages for future reference. Instantly recall
any specific mmessage or phone call. Transfer information to Notes or Names applications.
Automatically dial your phone or modem when returning calls. Print, fax, or beam any
message, and more! Limitations to the demo - Message Manager only allows 10 messages to be
created. Old messages must be deleted before creating new ones. The dialing feature has
been disabled. Online help is available.
MessageCentral Demo - MessageCentral is a new age, contact management
assistant that uses the metaphor of the pink "While You Were Out" message pads.
MessageCentral's makes message taking a breeze with intelligent look-up and intelligent
recognition features. Although it has been designed to help keep track of your voice
messages, combining MessageCentral with the power of your Newton instantly transforms
telephone messages into Appointments, To Do's, Notes and New Contacts with a tap of your
pen. No more cryptic notes written on tiny scraps of paper (i.e. 6/30, Linda 2:00).
MessageCentral formats those Messages into useful documents that are always with you. The
demo lets you create up to 10 messages.