Part 2 of 3
Medsuite Demo - medSuite(TM) is a suite of Newton MessagePad
applications and utilities designed for the conscientious, practicing physician and
practice groups. Use of these applications on a regular basis will help physicians make
better decisions, give informed medical advice, and at the same time, limit liability and
risk. The core medSuite(TM) package consists of two full-featured applications,
onCalls(TM) and ptsDA(TM). onCalls(TM) is an application which allows the "on
call" physician to document telephone contacts whether from patients, hospitals,
nursing homes, etc. while away from the office. The next day, these time-stamped call
records can be reviewed, dictated from, or printed, to provide thorough, legible
documentation of all out-of-office encounters.
This is a demo of medical tracking software.
Palmedic 1.1 - is a full-featured patient tracking package similar to
others you may have seen on the market, but at a much more reasonable price. Palmedic has
grown from a simple desire to be organized on rounds as a medical student to a package
that rivals the expensive solutions on the market today. This is a demo version that
allows a maximum of 5 patients and can be unlocked after paying the shareware fee.
Patient Data 1.0 - Requires Newton OS 2.0 - Patient Data 1.0 is a piece
of stationary for the note pad for keeping track of patient data in the hospital. It uses
the intelligent name picker for picking the name of the patient from the "Names"
application (You can also enter in names directly). It remembers the last 8 names you
used. It automatically puts in the current date and time (this too is editable). It
contains a picker (with common labs) for picking the lab. It allows only "digital
ink" renditions of the laboratory data. This makes for quick data entry each morning
as you "run the labs". I'm an intern in internal medicine. I'm also trying to
teach myself how to program the Newton. Patient Data 1.0 doesn't support printing fully (I
haven't been able to get "digital ink" to print yet) and I don't know about
faxing or beaming. I'm releasing this as FreeWare.
Pocket Doc Demo - Welcome to the Pocket Doc self running demo, the basic
features of the Pocket Doc stand-alone system will be displayed with comments. Pocket Doc
may be the answer for Doctors wanting to use their Newtons! Join in the walkthrough of the
screen, and how to use the program! Pocket Doc is the the most advanced computerized
mobile medical record system available for the Newton. Medical records, clinical decision
support, charting, and coding information are available with the tap of a pen on the
MessagePad. Pocket Doc offers a computerized medical record system with a flexible and
easy to use interface. It allows menu selectable history and more! From Physix. Takes up
152k once installed.
Pocket Doc Hyper Demo - Welcome to the Pocket Doc demo, the basic
features of the Pocket Doc stand-alone system will be displayed with comments. Pocket Doc
may be the answer for Doctors wanting to use their Newtons! Join in the walkthrough of the
screen, and how to use the program! From Physix. This demo requires HyperCard to run.
PocketMD is a clinical care companion Newton package for family
physicians. PocketMD provides key resources for primary care physicians in a highly
portable, fully indexed format on Newton MP2000 and MP2100s.
PocketMD includes over 260 abstracts from the Cochrane Database of
Systematic Reviews, with over 100 new reviews added annually. This is considered to be the
premier source of evidence-based reviews. It also includes over 240 critical appraisals
from the Journal of Family Practice POEMs feature, with 96 more added annually. The software also includes a diagnostic test calculator (with sensitivity,
specificity, and likelihood ratios, and post-test probabilities for over 200 common tests)
and a history and physical exam compendium (sensitivity, specificity, etc for key
maneuvers of the history and physical).
PocketMD includes evidence tables and summaries from key evidence-based treatment
guidelines (AHCPR, USPSTF, and others) as well as useful clinical prediction rules for
important conditions like chest pain, sore throat, and pneumonia that allow physicians to
rapidly determine treatment methods. All resources are indexed by symptom
and/or disease.
The software is $99 directly from the publisher; the version
below is a full-featured evaluation, but has a database limited to cardiology. The full
manual is included below also.
ProMedex 1.0 Demo - is the ideal solution for point of care patient
management. ProMedex is designed from the ground up to be quick and efficient and is
tailored to the needs of resident physicians, medical students, and anyone who needs
access to patient data quickly. ProMedex gives you access to the data you want and need,
when you need it without the clutter of an exhaustively comprehensive medical record.
ProMedex can manage your patient list and make you more productive in your residency,
clinic, or medical school clinical rotation. You can enter data on the fly and retrieve
that data quickly for use on rounds, telephone consultations, and patient encounters.
There are many patient management packages available for the Newton OS, but ProMedex is
the only one that is responsive enough to use on daily rounds. Requires 2.x Newton OS.