Part 1 of 3
GraviPAD Demo - Data collection is key to the success of any
computerized patient record system. The GraviPAD application for the Newton is a
convenient tool for collecting obstetrical healthcare information 'at the bedside' or 'in
the field'. It is a member of ReQuest's POCitWare (Point Of Care information technology)
family of tools; each POCit tool will collect information specific to a specialized
healthcare field. Unlike many systems capturing high-level, general-purpose client
information, POCit tools will cover each clinical area in depth. GraviPAD is intended for
use in conjunction with a comprehensive clinical information system operating on personal
computers. Demo provides the look and feel of the final system.
Hippocrates 1.11 demo - This demo contains 3 packages - Demogrf.pkg,
HCCUtil.pkg and Hippoc1.pkg. Once installed, they take up almost 600k. Once loaded, Tap on
HCC Utils, and tap Create Data. This will install demo data to work with. You can also
Remove Data here. Once the data has been created, click Hippocrates. Hippocrates is a
commercial program by HealthCare Communications, Inc. On the top layer, you will see the
ID, Patient's name, Room, Time, and check mark area. Click a patient to find out his
general, address and medical information. Bring up his chart, add notes, write a
prescription and record an encounter. Click around and find even more areas! This is a
commercial demo.
HippocratesDentalDemo1.1.1 - This is a medical/dental database. Click
around to find out everything about a patient. Click a patient to find out his general,
address and medical information. Bring up his chart, add notes, write a prescription and
record an encounter.Provides numerous functions including patient management, links with
large patient database, live note-taking and sketching, pre-stored medical images,
prescription writing or faxing etc. Comes with a demo soup (HCCUtils will add/remove the
soup). GEDemo is the Graphics Extension. This is a commercial demo from HealthCare
Communications, Inc.
HandLink is designed from the ground up to be
quick and efficient and is tailored to the needs of resident physicians, medical students,
and anyone who needs access to patient data quickly. HandLink can manage a patient list
for better productivity for students and doctors in residency or medical school clinical
rotation. Users may enter data on the fly and retrieve that data quickly for use on
rounds, telephone consultations, and patient encounters. HandLink is especially
apporpriate for use on daily rounds. Credit: Morgan Creek Medical.
Medicalc 1.0 - Medicalc is a Newton program for Doctors. Medicalc
calculates values pertinent to patient care using recognized algorithms. It can save you
time in the hospital and help you to rationalize the purchase of the your Newton
MessagePad. Features - Chem-7 analysis which calculates osmolality, anion gap, estimated
creatinine clearance and, in hypernatremic patients, free water deficit. BSA - Calculates
body surface area. ANC - Calculates Absolute Neutrophil Count. PedsRx and STAT Rx -
Accesses two user configurable drug references. IV Calc and more. All calculations that it
performs should be double checked using a recognized medical reference.
Med-Notes 999z5d DEMO - is an advanced patient data collection system
for the Newton from ProAccess Systems Inc. and Education Research Laboratories, Inc.
(ERLI). This outstanding data management tool includes an enhanced patient encounter
format which includes SOAP, lab and Rx fields, extensive quick pick word lists associated
with up to 16 chief complaints, and excellent data entry performance with scrolling data
windows. Med-Notes is a data gathering program for a medical professional who needs to
collect, organize and communicate the "Who, what , when and where" information
for the patients they see as they work outside their office.
MedNotesLink 1.6 Demo - MedNotesLink lets the Newton MedNotes app talk
to the Mac! MedNotes talks to the Mac application over the LocalTalk (AppleTalk) net. The
Newton user asks to backup the data on the Newton. The Mac application interacts with the
Newton application and the process begins. The Mac application accepts the data and stores
it in a file. To restore the data to the Newton, the user asks for a restore and a list of
Mac restore files is shown on the Newton, the user picks one and it is downloaded to the
Newton, replaceing the data that exists there. Once the wordlist data has been uploaded to
the Mac, it can be edited and then returned to the Newton.
MedNotesLink 1.8 DEMO - Version 1.8 corrects a bug in 1.7 that prevented
use of the WordList import/export. The progam was looking in the wrong folder. 1.8 fixes
the behavior to match the instructions. This version of MedNotesLink requires a
modification to the folders if you already have an older version. This version is the
single user version but can be delivered in either 1,3, 5, 8, or 10 user versions. The
folder change puts your patient data and wordlists in a folder that belongs to you and is
separate from the data of other users.