Part 2 of 3
HangMan 1.0 - Hang Man is a word game for the Newton MessagePad. Try to
guess the word before the hang man is complete (7 wrong guesses). The unregistered version
of Hang Man only allows for three letter words. Words up to twelve letters are available
in the registered version.
HangMan 2.1E - hangMan software (hM) is a free
word guessing game. Using hM sharpens your word and spelling skills. hM comes with
dictionaries or you can use your own. Version 2.1 adds the following new features - Guess
phrases. Multiple dictionaries. Randomly select dictionary and word to guess. Accepts
auxiliary buttons (Newton 2.0 only). hangMan 2.1 accepts new dictionaries in two forms.
The first form is precompiled as Newton packages. This distribution includes 10 such
precompiled dictionaries in the folder DICTNARY, and they may be installed using Newton
Package Installer or comparable utility.
HMX 2.1E - hangMan Transfer software (HMX) is a
free helper application that allows you to transfer hangMan text dictionaries back and
forth between Newton and a desktop computer via a serial connection and a standard
terminal emulator. To use HMX you will need the following - A MessagePad 100, MessagePad
110, MessagePad 120, Motorola Marco, or a MessagePad 120 with Newton 2.0. (I'm sorry, but
because of changes in Apple's compiler the code will not work with the Original MessagePad
or the Sharp ExpertPad.) A serial cable to connect your Newton to your desktop computer. A
terminal emulation program that runs on your desktop computer. Send in your dictionaries!
We will add them to the hangMan page for others to download.
I Ching Small/Real Change - SmallChange and RealChange are
implementations of the I Ching, or Book of Changes, for the Newton. When you tap it, it
displays and identifies one of the 64 hexagrams of the I Ching, along with moving lines.
Tap for more info. SmallChange only shows the hexagram, its name in Chinese and English,
and the names of the two trigrams. It's 11k. RealChange shows the above plus the Judgement
and Image for each hexagram (33k).
is capable of generating an infinite number of find a word puzzles, with topics ranging
from animals to cars. Jumble can be played with a variety of levels, and will keep track
of the best played games. 30 day shareware. Credit: Stand Alone Software.
Kwoter 1.0 - Kwoter is a simple applet that will put up a humorous or
insightful quote when you turn on your newton or awaken it from sleep. It can be
configured to wait for a specific length of time before showing, using the prefs. If a
quote is too long to be displayed on screen, you can scroll it using the scroll arrows at
the bottom of the screen. Tapping on the "Another" button will show a new quote.
There are two versions...Kwoter_s (for small) has about 350 quotes and takes about 70k,
and Kwoter_b (for big) has about 4200, and takes up about 800k of space.
Lunar Spirit 1995 - Spirit is the direct descendant of Inspire 1995, my
first venture into a "quotes" package for the Newton. In total, there are about
130 "general" type quotes, and 120 or so "friendship" type quotes
included from Inspire 1995. When you run Spirit, a random quote is chosen each time. With
the application running, you can display another random quote by tapping on the » next to
the x close box. You can also go backward and forward through the quotes using « and ».
Spirit also has 2 new enhancements. You can now select quotes and copy them to your
notepad. Also has an option to automatically open Spirit when you turn your Newton on.
Requirements - 65 kbytes free RAM space & 100 bytes Heap Space (while running).
Magic Squares - This is an application that allows you easy access to
several sizes of Magic Square. A Magic Square is a matrix of numbers where all Rows and
Columns add up to the same value. Several different sizes are presented, Some can be
solved easily, like the 3x3, others, like the 6x6 will take a lot more time. Most have
several different solutions. This version does not save but it is expected that this will
/ may be included in any upgrade.
Mastermind1.02 - Master Mind is a simple game for the Newton where you
try to guess a four digit number. Simply enter the number at the bottom and tap
"Guess". Spaces and periods are ignored. Your guess will then appear in the
guesses list followed by two numbers. The first number is how many digits were correct and
in the correct location. The second number is how many digits were correct and in the
wrong location. If you get frustrated, you can tap "Show" to see the number.
"New" generates a new random number (Hint - the number will be between 1000 and
9999). You can use the up and down arrow at the bottom to scroll the guesses list.
Match' em 1.0 - Match'Em is a "Concentration" style pairs
matching game. It supports five different board sizes from 3x4 (fairly easy) to 10x10
(more difficult). Match those letters, and when you're done, you'll find out if you got
the all time low! Match'em has online documentation and takes up about 30k of memory.