Part 1 of 2
Ahorcados - Ahorcados is a hangman game for the Newton. The comments are
quite funny when you guess a wrong letter. Play is as any hangman game, but don't blame
the author if Newton can't read your writing. If you have trouble with Newton thinking you
wrote a different letter than you did, simply tap twice in the area where you enter
letters, and type the darn thing! Graphics are line drawings (suitable for kids...). Make
sure you read the comments as you guess wrong or right! Keeps track of your wins and
losses. Once installed, takes up 14k on the Newton.
Buzz 1.0 - This is a "buzz phrase generator". It's for fun and
for free! Let your Newton help you make phrases for Engineering (example - robust
multi-processor project), Research (parallel algorithm report), Marketing (broad-based
North American channel), Management/HR (significant local solution) and Political
(politically incorrect judicial white-paper). Have fun with it! Takes up 18k once
installed on the Newton.
Buzzword Bingo - Buzzword Bingo is based on an idea presented in the
Dilbert comic by Scott Adams. In the comic strip the manager was very pleased that people
were paying better attention in meetings, until someone shouted Bingo! Make a custom list
of buzzwords in the notepad and import it into the program to match your manager or maybe
the nightly news or Leno or Letterman. Have fun! 32k once installed. Dilbert is syndicated
by United Features Sydicate, Inc., copyright 1989 by Scott Adams.
Crypto is a great word puzzle game which supports
solving cryptogram, code, cipher (single character substitution) puzzles, like those in
newspapers. Crypto is a shareware, 2.x-only Newton application: it works best on
MesssagePad 2000 (MP2K) or eMate, but it can also be used with short puzzles on smaller
screens (MP130 or MP120). Credit: Steve Weyer.
Cryptograms 1.0 - Cryptograms is a word puzzle game for the Newton from
Alpine Software. Each puzzle contains a quote and its author. Decipher the puzzle by
replacing each letter with another. When the game begins, the display shows the game's
instructions. To remove the panel and start the game, tap the X in the lower right hand
corner. You can bring the instructions up at any time by tapping the ? button. The display
contains three areas. The top is the puzzle - empty slots with a letter below each one.
The middle is an A-Z picker. The bottom has some buttons on it. The object of the game is
to decipher the quote.
Danglin 0.9 - Dangling Participle - Here's a great Hangman game for the
Newton. The best feature is that you after you write a letter to guess, the newton shows
you what letter it thinks you wrote (so you don't get hung just because your Newton can't
read your writing!!). Great feature! You can also choose the level of difficulty, and can
choose to receive hints.
DreamSoft Games Collection - DreamSoft was formed by managing director
Steven Sims in October 1993 specifically to develop software to exploit the Apple Newton.
Over the past year in our free time we have written some Newton games to amuse ourselves,
and as a convenient demonstration of our programming abilities. Full descriptions and
instructions are contained within all the games. Includes - Bomb Game - A 2-6 player
critical mass game. Players take turns placing bombs on a grid, whose squares will explode
when too many bombs are placed. The winner is the last player left alive. Hangman - Our
own version of the classic game. This is for one or two players. Pairs - Another classic.
Match the pairs of cards to win. Number Invaders - Shoot the invading stream of numbers.
Elbarqs 1.0 - El'barqs is a crossword letter game for the newton. It
allows you to place various letter tiles on the board to create words. You can play
against up to three other human or Newton players. The basic goal in El'barqs is to use
the letters given you to create words on the board. These words must have at least one
letter in common with currently existing words. Any word is allowed except for proper
names. The Newton will check to make sure a word is in it's dictionary, but because it has
a limited capacity, it cannot know every possible word. If you place a word that it does
not know, it will ask you if the word is a legal word.
GestGame - Welcome to GestGame, an exciting arcade game for the Newton
in which you have to destroy words by typing them in on the Mosaic. This game utilizes a
patented method of data entry known as Gesture Mosaic. The included GestDemo package
provides an introduction/tutorial which you should go through before playing the game.
Somebody is trying to put words into your head! The only way you can stop them is by
typing in the word before it penetrates your defenses using the Gesture Mosaic. In this
arcade-style game, words of varying length fall from above and attempt to bomb their way
past your shield. As the game progresses, the words fall faster and more words appear as
soon as one hits your shield. When three words have penetrated your shield, the game is