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BetMaster 1.0 - Bet Master is a tool for the horse and dog racing enthusiast that helps select the most profitable betting strategy. It performs a statistical analysis on the handicapping odds provided by you, and the "WIN" odds posted at the track to select the bets that are most likely to generate the largest payoffs. Bet Master is SHAREWARE! So, if you use it (and especially if you win some $$$) please send $10 to the author.   12k   

betmaster-1.0.sit   14k   

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Coinflip 1.0 - A simulated coin for deciding simple things. Two versions are included: one with all the options, one with the bare minimum. Why use a Newton to do that? Well, as a Newton owner myself, I know that we almost always have a Newton around-- but we may not often have coins.   43k   

coinflip-1.0.sit   44k   

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Cricket Scorepad 1.0 - Cricket Scorepad was written in response to some requests from the readers of the comp.sys.newton newsgroup on the internet. Being a dart player and Newton owner myself I decided to take a shot at writing a good score keeping program for Cricket - Cricket Scorepad is the result. Operation of the program is fairly straightforward. The top of each column has an input line for the player or team names. These are displayed only and not used for saving games (yet) so feel free to leave them as Player A and Player B if you like. Each "point" 20 - 15 and Bull are represented by a row on the scorepad just as if you were scoring on a chalkboard. To register a hit click on the '+' button. 3 hits, 3 clicks.   15k   

cricket-scorepad-1.0.sit   16k   

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CricketScorer 1.88 - An 80k package for OMP, MP 110 and MP 120 and for both OS 1.xx and OS 2.0 systems. For keeping score at limited-over cricket matches. For following ball-by-ball cricket commentaries on the radio. For helping understand the complexities of scoring. It automatically generates bowling statistics and a scorecard which can be stored in the unfiled Notepad soup for editing, printing, etc.   31k   

cricketscorer-1.88.sit   32k   

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Darts Scorepad 1.2 - is the successor to an earlier effort Cricket Scorepad. Cricket Scorepad was originally written in response to some requests from the readers of the comp.sys.newton newsgroup on the internet. Being a dart player and Newton owner myself I decided to take a shot at writing a good score keeping program for Cricket - Cricket Scorepad was the result. After using Cricket Scorepad for a while I found it was lacking some obvious features and set to upgrading it properly. Darts Scorepad 1.2 is the result. For those who used Cricket Scorepad I'll start by listing the enhancements in this version.   9k   

darts-12.sit   10k   

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GoRecorder 2.01 Demo - Go Recorder is a package with which to record or play the game of Go, or study Go problems, openings etc. This is a demonstration version. This version is fully functional, except that - it doesnıt have any of the improvements or great features which will be in the final version (as a result of your feedback, and further work on my part!). It prints ³DEMO² on the screen and printouts every so often (rude I know, but just to jog your conscience...). It doesnıt have a couple of planned features, such as Newton Connection Kit compatibility (which will enable you to import/export games and problems from your Mac) and import/export to SmartGo format.   140k   

gorecorder-2.01-demo.sit   146k   

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LifeKeeper 1.1 - A utility for keeping track of life points in a Magic duel. It probably also has other uses. Why use a Newton to do that? The Technomancer does not ask why. Mishra and Urza would understand. LifeKeeper will use a certain amount of heap in order to save information‹ your name, the last opponent's name, and the scores. This is so that you can restore a game if you accidentally close LifeKeeper. For my information, it takes 276 bytes out of the heap. This is not all that much, comparatively; but if it presents a problem for registered users, I may change it to a soup entry for future releases.   8k   

lifekeeper-1.1.sit   10k