Part 2 of 4
Go Recorder is a package with which to record or
play the game of Go, or study Go problems, openings etc. This is a demonstration version.
This version is fully functional, except that - it doesnıt have any of the improvements
or great features which will be in the final version (as a result of your feedback, and
further work on my part!). It prints ³DEMO² on the screen and printouts every so often
(rude I know, but just to jog your conscience...). It doesnıt have a couple of planned
features, such as Newton Connection Kit compatibility (which will enable you to
import/export games and problems from your Mac) and import/export to SmartGo format.
Great Chess GamesDemo - First of all, this is a tool to help you study
the moves of great chess games, you can not play chess on your own with this program. This
prerelease lets you choose between three games - Fool's Mate (a two move checkmate!),
Morphy-Boucher and Spielmann-Honlinger, 1929. The final version will have 20 games. Pick a
game, and then watch it. Click move, and watch the chess moves, and notes. You can learn
Isaac 1.1 - Isaac is the type of game that takes a minute to learn how
to play, but can keep you occupied for hours. Just hit the start button and repeat the
sequence back to Isaac by tapping each piece as Isaac did. You can choose to work with
from 2 to 10 pieces. You can also choose to finish at 8, 20, 30 or more levels (of course
if you mess up, the games over!). Fun Newton game.
Kasparov-Anand Chess Games - After beginning with eight draws, the PCA
world championship match became exciting with Anand winning Game 9 and Kasparov coming
back brilliantly in Game 10. This file contains games 9 and 10 with some basic
annotations. You can play over the games on your Newton with ChessPad LT.
Knight Run 1.1 - Knight Run is a solo game played on a chess board with
a single Knight. The object is to visit all of the squares on the board once and only
once. It has online documentation and takes up about 30k of memory. Knight Run is freely
distributable but a 1994 copyright is retained by REXMERE Development. Changes from V1.0 -
Knight Run V1.1 fixes some aesthetic issues largely related to the smaller MessagePad 110
screen. Some changes were made to the distribution to make it easier to handle on
DOS/Windows machines.
Little Peking 1.3 - This is a puzzle program for
Newton. It's played on a board with 12 columns and 9 rows. There are 27 types of picture
tiles. Each type has four tiles. Thus the total of 108 tiles are provided. The object of
the game is to delete all tiles from the board by matching tiles of the same kind. This
program was tested on the MP-120 with Newton OS 1.3. It should work on other models with
the same OS. We received reports that it works on the OS 2.0 as well.
Litton 1.1 - This is a puzzle program for the
Newton. The object of this game is to flip tiles so that all tiles face the same side.
When you tap one of 16 tiles on the board, it flips over to show its other side
(heads/tails). This in turn cause other tiles to flip as well. Easy, you say? We don't
think so. Requirements: This program was tested on the MP-120 with Newton OS 1.3. It
should on other models with the same OS. It should work on the OS 2.0 as well, although we
have not tested yet. The program takes up about 29KB of memory and consumes about 4KB of
Mahjongg 1.6 - The goal of the game is to remove
all of the tiles. You can only remove tiles that match each other - both number and
design. In addition the plant/flower tiles and the season tiles all match each other. To
remove a pair of tiles, tap on them. If they match, they will disappear, else the newton
will ping at you. Here's the trick - you can only tap on tiles that you can slide out to
the left or right, and that are not underneath another. Think about the real game, (played
with physical tiles) you have to be able to remove the piece without disturbing any
Mahjongg 2.1 Solitaire for the Newton: The goal
of this game is to remove all of the tiles. You can only remove tiles that match each
other - both number and design. Here's the trick - you can only tap on tiles that you can
slide out to the left or right, and that are not underneath another. That's it. In some
ways, it's more of a soothing (?) exercise in meditation than a game. This new, greyscale
version of Mahjongg for MP2000s and eMate 300s takes advantage of the bigger screen and
greyscale. In addition, the new version has an elapsed time indicator, the ability to keep
and view stats on games played, automatic saving of game when you quit, better sounds and
a much more worthwhile "win" screen. Credit: Scrawl Software.
Mancala 1.1 - Mancala by Allan Marcus. This is a Newton game based on
the old African game Mancala. There are many variations to the game in general, this is
just one of them. The object is to get all the stones (or the most). Instructions are
included within the game. New for version 1.1 - Newton plays smarter! The User can
configure board to start with 2-6 stones in each hole. Games automatically ends when one
player has captured more than half the stones.