Part 1 of 4
Backgammon 1.1 - Backgammon for the Newton plays exactly as the board
game. Backgammon can be played agains a friend or against the Newton, or you can even
watch the Newton play itself. Backgammon is a race between two armies of 15 men, each
moving around a U shaped track consisting of 24 'points'. To play the game hold the Newton
sideways. The line down the center of the board is known as the 'bar'. On this version,
the bar also tells the player or players whose turn it is. Your pieces start from the
upperleft and move clockwise. The object of the game is to move all your pieces onto your
opponent's home board and then remove them from the board. Backgammon needs Newton
Operating system 1.3 or later, It also needs about 75k of free storage space.
for the Newton is based on the traditional board game. Stand Alone's BackGammon features a
functional doubling cube, 10 levels of difficulty, complete game statistics, a fully
scalable board that sizes to any screen, and a challenging computer opponent. 30 day
shareware. Credit: Stand Alone Software.
BlackBox 1.0 - Black Box for the Newton is a game based on an old Parker
Brothers board game. The rules take a little time to learn, but once you get them down,
it's a pretty simple game. Be sure to look at the help sheet enclosed for a good set of
samples. There are a number of balls hidden on an 8x8 grid. You must try to find them by
firing rays into the grid and observing if and where the ray exits the grid. The balls
cause the ray to either stop if it hits one, or to bounce ninety degrees if the ray passes
to the side of a ball. By examining the results, you must try to determine the locations
of the balls in the least time and fewest nuber of shots possible. Have fun!
Checkers 1.1 - This checkers program is being written to help me learn
to program the Newton. This version is a two person game, i.e., you need two humans to
play it (unless you're schizophrenic.) The next version will allow one person to play
checkers against the Newton. It doesn't play too well yet (it cheats terribly), so it's
turned off until I can get it working properly. What other games would you like to see?
Eventually the author would like this to be a package of games, something you can take on
a trip and toss in the back seat to quiet the kids, for example. Ideas are welcome at any
of the addresses in the documentation.
ChessPDA 1.04 - ChessPDA is a full-featured chess database. ChessPDA
allows you to enter games or chess problems (arbitrary positions) and replay them
automatically or one move at a time. You may also take back moves, temporarily mark
positions for analysis, revert to previously marked positions, and much more! ChessPDA
does legal move verification (legal verification can be turned off) and thus can be used
by two players as an electronic chessboard. You may also replay library games or chess
problems. Several games and problems are included in the online version and are
automatically loaded. Send in the shareware fee to obtain a registered copy with the SAVE
game feature enabled and including several 100-game and problem libraries.
Deep Green is considered the best chess-playing
program for the Newton platform, will an 80 opening-move dictionary, selectable difficulty
levels, and the ability to play itself as well as a human. Feature-complete beta version
(expires 10/1/98). This version includes an optional setting to 'dumb down' Deep Green,
making the game easier for beginners. A few users have reported rare problems when
installing the new version on top of the older Deep Green 1.0b1. The reason is probably
that the Deep Green preferences may still refer to the old and now removed package. If you
encounter this error, visit the Deep Green website for a
quick, simple prefs cleaner. Freeware. Credit: Joachim Bondo & Jens Martin
Forest PegBoard 1.0 - Forest PegBoard 1.0 is the traditional peg-jumping
solitaire game with a few enhancements. The object of the game is to remove pegs from the
cross-shaped board by jumping one over another until only one peg is left. Scoring is
based on the number of pegs and the time remaining at the end of the game. Three high
scores are saved. There are two different setups for PegBoard. The first setup places the
starting hole in the middle of the board; the second setup places the hole randomly. All
combinations are solvable. Forest PegBoard 1.0 is compatible with the MessagePad 100 and
GoBoard 1.1 - GoBoard 1.1 is an improved version of the previously
posted GoBoard. It simulates a 19 by 19 board for the Oriental strategy game ofGo. Black
and white "stones" may be placed and removed. It can be used to play and record
a game between people, or study published games and problems. It does not provide a
computer opponent, or remove captured stones automatically. It has backward and forward
buttons to re-examine moves that have been played, and a Restart button to replay a game
from the beginning (this is an improvement over the Undo button in the previous version).
Captured stones are erased by tapping on them. Tapping on a stone just played changes its
Gomoku 1.0 - a board game for Newton 1.x and 2.0.
Simple rules, addictive game English, German and French version in one package. Readme
text in Mac and Windows formats. FREE. Gomoku was written by Oliver Völckers,
Berlin/Germany Uploaded by the author 100410.3137@compuserve.com