Part 2 of 2
The enclosed Newton Digital Book is a sample version of
The Chemistry Set for Newton. It takes up about 60K. This is by no means the entire
product - the complete Chemistry Set takes up the better part of a 2MB flash RAM card!
Designed for use by a varied market - chemists, engineers, hazardous materials workers,
students, and fire and emergency response workers - The Chemistry Set uses the
pocket-sized portability and RISC power of the Newton to put thousands of pages of
information in the hands of these individuals. Includes - Chemical Critical Properties
Ref, Periodic Table of Events, DOT Guide Materials for Hazardous Substances, Hazmat and
Extremely Hazardous Substances Reference.
This is a Newton book of Chemistry Terms, with 30 pages
of definitions for words such as - acid, anion, valence and more. Shareware credit:
Iverson Software Co.
This is a glossary of Gas Industry Terms. Gas Terms are
from ACA Unit Charge to Working (Operating) Interest, conversion tables are also included.
Credit: Steve Sande, president of SanSoft.
A Newton Book with detailed information about the Messier objects --
these are 110 astronomical objects such as galaxies, globular clusters, and planetary
nebulae which were often mistaken for comets until Messier created this list.
This freeware Newton Book contains information on the properties of the
112 known elements. The properties include boiling point, melting point, state, density,
electron configuration, heat of fusion, heat of vaporization, oxidation states,
electronegativity, and 1st ionization potential. The elements are indexed alphabetically
by name, and the index is linked to each element for quick searches. Also included is a
Periodic Table, and a list of particle masses and physical constants. This book uses only
76k of memory, and it should work on any Newton, and on either a Mac or PC.
This Newton book of the Periodic Table of the Elements allows you to
search for certain chemical elements. Data included in the PTE "Lite" package
includes Atomic Number, Atomic Weight, Symbol, Name, Electron Configuration, and Oxidation
States. In this version, a reader may use the standard overview button to bring up a
scrolling list of the elements.
Set Class Tables 1.0 is a simple Newton Book that displays a fairly
standard representation of the Set Classes. It is based on work by Alan Forte, John Rahn,
Robert Morris, and a host of other scholars. The standard tabular format of Set Class
Tables has been modified to accomodate the limitations of the Newton MessagePad screen.
SocioTerms is a Newtonbook by Iverson Software Inc. This book contains
over 375 terms and definitions, from absolute deprivation to zero population growth. 382
pages total, takes up 219k installed.
This NewtonBook contains information about the Discovery (21) mission.
It includes the Pad, estimated Launch Date, The Crew, The Mission Objective, The Launch
and Landing, Orbit Info, a picture of the Discovery (OV-103), background of the Discovery,
and the Crew's resumes. Credit: Allen Clark of the HQ Office of Public Affairs leading the
charge to put more public information on the Internet.