Part 1 of 2
The book contains over 230 definitions of use to the
student or professional in the field of acoustics or acoustical engineering.
Astronomy and Space Acronyms is a NewtonBook of all the
acronmys the author could find -- from A&A (Astronomy and Astrophysics) to YSO (Young
Stellar Object)
This is a shareware Newton book of the basic rules of
integration and differentiation.
The Reader's Guide to Biology is a guide to over five
hundred of books on Biology, with title, author, publisher, isbn, and cost. Credit:
Iverson Software Co.
This book contains 19 pages of Biology Terms and
definitions, from Abaxial to Zygote. Credit: Iverson Software Co.
This is a Glossary of Biotechnological terms, by Jeff
Iverson. Includes terms and definitions from Abiotic stress to Z-DNA. Only the first five
records contain data in this demo. Credit: Jeff Iverson.
The Reader's Guide to Chemistry is a guide to over three
hundred and fifty books on Chemistry, with title, author, publisher, isbn, and cost.
Credit: Iverson Software Co.
Only the top 5 cards of this demo have data. Each card
gives the chemical's common name, CAS number, DOT number, chemical name, other names and
formulations, Hazard summary and Identification. Credit: Iverson Software Co.