It is a book of over 230 Acoustical Terms, from
A-weighting to White Noise. Credit: Iverson Software Co.
Newton users who know what it's like to lug
around a 50 pound drum for hours of competition marching and music may get a kick out of
Ken Kawamoto's release of the DCI Scores from the DCI World Championships 1972 - 1998.
These listings of the Top 12 winners are a neat historical reference for marching band
fans, and a great way to tease the opposing band if you're part of one of the winning
teams. If you're downloading the package, you may also want to get the readme. Freeware. Credit: Len Kawamoto.
Urban music disc jockeys DJ MG and DJ Theory have
teamed up with Newton user Hubertus Mueller to produce a Newton version of House Zone, a
regular column featured in Urban Beat. If you're a fan of jazz or just want to read
thoughtful and well written music reviews, venue reviews and industry news, check out
House Zone for the Newton. Credit: DJ MG, DJ Theory and Hubertus Mueller.
Demo of Newton book glossary of terms on Indian Music.
Full version contains 98 definitions. $5.00. Only the first 5 records of the demo contain
Music Terms contains over 300 terms you'll find in music, from a
cappella to whole tone. Credit: Iverson Software Co.