Part 2 of 2
This book contains the majority of IBM Hardware
available at the time of creation, however for further details on products please contact
your nearest IBM distributor for up-to-date information regarding the product line
available. Credit: Gravity Point
A general guide to understanding computer concepts.
Credit: Great Ideas in Computer Science.
LectraRef is a database of chip and connector
pinouts for Newton devices. The LectraRef database lightens the load for Newton users who
need to carry databooks info the field. LectraRef contains pinouts on chips ranging from
dirt-common (74 series logic) to amazingly rare (CBM VIC multifunction ASIC). Credit:
Lewin A.R.W. Edwards
New ways to spice up your Newton books including sound, movies,
HyperNotes and other multi-media enhancements. Credit: Palmedia
Pre-MP2000 guide to the advantages of new Newton technologies.
While slightly outdated, it is a useful look at earlier Newton handiness. Credit:
Marty Mankins.