Part 1 of 2
A glossary of terms related to the Ada programming
The ANSI C Standard Library Newton book is a
handy reference including classification of standard ANSI C tags and their definitions.
This extensive Newton book also includes usage tips! Credit: Michael Jones.
Apple 96.pkg - A collection of Apple Patent Abstract
from the first quarter 1996. The purpose of the book is to present a collection of patent
material in a readable form. All patents selected are issued to Apple Computer.
A handy AppleScript Quick Reference guide in Newton Book
format. Includes basic AppleScript, standard scripting additions, scriptable Finder, and
Finder object map. Excerpted by the author of "Danny Goodman's AppleScript
Handbook" (2nd edition). This is copyrighted freeware.
This is a very simple Newton Book application; it just
displays the ASCII code tables. This is freeware, it may be freely distributed.
A guide to creating bookmaker source files without
access to Bookmaker and the Newton Toolkit. The guide is in text format, MacWrite format
and Newton book format.
Would you like to show folks more reasons why they
should get themselves the best PDA in the business? Have a look at Dean Siracusa's original Newton Book on how he uses his
Newton every day. Credit: Dean Siracusa, Siracusa Productions. Mr. Siracusa is
an automotive advertising photographer and professor of photography at The Art Center
College of Design in Pasadena, CA.
This is part one of a series of files designed to help anyone make their
own "NewtonBooks." It should be noted that similar tools are commercially
available for around $800.00 but the author has gone to great lengths to simplify and
explain the process so anyone can make a book inexpensively. To make a Newton Book,
the Newton Toolkit 1.0b7 or higher (a commercial program) is required.
Part 1 - General Guide, Part 2 - How to get the required tools, Part 3 - Filtering ugly
text chars. (MS Word 5 Document), Part 4 - How to use Bookmaker, Part 5 - How to set up
Bookmaker and NTK, Part 6 - How to create Newton Books