Part 3 of 4
Robert Louis Stevenson's tale of a boy kidnapped by pirates.
Credit: Project Gutenberg
H. Ryder Haggard's journey to the heart of darkest Africa with
adventurer Allan Quatermain, searching for the fabulous lost treasure of King Solomon's
Mines! Credit: Bob Hicks (pdcbob@aol.com) of America Online's PDA Forum.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge's evocative poem about an exotic emporer.
Credit: Bob Hicks (pdcbob@aol.com) of America Online's PDA Forum.
Edgar Rice Burroughs's story of Bowen Tyler's journey from the brig of
enemy submarine to his escape to the shores of Caprona -- The Land Time Forgot. The
second file, The People that Time Forgot is the sequel -- the continuing adventures in
Caprona! Credit: Bob Hicks (pdcbob@aol.com) of America Online's PDA Forum.
This is a series of 5 newton books from the 1800's series Les
by William Shakespeare. Credit: Jonathan Conradt
by Aristotle, translated by E.M. Edghill. In
Newton Book format, 69 pages. 131k once installed. Credit: Jeffrey D. Iverson.