Part 2 of 4
Flatland is a work well known both for its mathematical
and political allegories. The text is public domain and from Project Gutenberg. Flatland
is by Edwin A. Abbott (1884).Credit: Ray Rischpater of Raw Thought Produkt. The book
is 228 pages and takes up 444k.
From the immortal pen of Charles Dickens Worldly
ambitions lead a boy astray from his true friends. Credit: Bob Hicks
(pdcbob@aol.com) of America Online's PDA Forum. - by Charles Dickens.
A novel by Sax Rohmer. Mysterious murders in London lead
a doctor and friend in the dangerous pursuit of the evil Dr. Fu Manchu. Credit: Bob
Hicks (pdcbob@aol.com) of America Online's PDA Forum.
Charlotte Bronte's story of Jayne Eyre, who servers as a governess to
the child of the dark and mysterious Edward Rochester. He proposes to Jane but she
dicovers to her horror that he is already married to an insane woman, evidently locked in
the tower of the very estate she lives in!
Rudyard Kipling's novel of a boy raised by animals in the jungle wilds.
Credit: Harry R. Chesley.