entries.gif (4759 Byte)

On top of the screen you will see the name and the size of the soup. Right under this there will be the frame editor (see chapter "Stores").

The rest of the screen show the size occupied by the entry, a slider for quickly jumping to another entry, the Modify Button and the "Navigator" - comparable to a CD-Player.

As usual the diamond-shaped knob of the slider is draggable. If you drag the knob, the display "x of y" with be updated instantly. The rest of the data wouldn't be updated till you lift the pen.

The meaning of the "Navigator"-buttons from the left to the right: first, previous, next and last entry in the soup.

Action Button

entrymod.gif (2336 Byte)

Add Entry

Creates a new entry only containing the slots _modTime and _uniqueID and jumps to this entry. Youp can modify the new entry by the "Frame-Editor"-commands Add Slot, Remove and Edit (These in the lower part of the modify-picker).


Removes the current entry from the soup.


You can copy or move the current entry into another soup also.

zielsoup.gif (3771 Byte)

Select the desired store and the destination soup. You can determine to retain the _uniqueID also. In the Newton system every entry of a soup will have a unique number. This is the _uniqueID. Now you tap on "Move" or "Copy". Moving copies the entry in the destination soup first. If there is no error, the entry will be removed from the source soup.

Remove All

Removes all entries from the soup. If you have made a search before, the entries of the result will be deleted only.

Copy/Move all

Copies/moves all entries from one soup into another one. Handling is equivalent to copy/move one entry. If you have made a search before, the entries of the result will be copied/moved only.


Duplicates the current entry. Note that the slots _uniqueID and _modTime will not be duplicated. They exists in the new entry, but will have new values! This is because every entry must have an unique identification - the _uniqueID slot - and the slot _modTime always contains the time of the last modification.


Fill in the search-floater with the desired slot value and tap "Search". As usual in Newton 2.x, the last items can be recalled by tapping the picker label. To select all entries simply specify no search value and tap "Search".

Add Slot




See chapter "Stores"