To order Newton Aviator 1.2, or Newton Aviator Logbook 1.0 beta, by mail, please complete and print out the order form that follows, and mail with payment to: Newton Aviation Software 82 Woodside Ave. Wellesley, MA 02482-2220. If you care to provide your email address, we'll immediately send you a copy of the software electronically, in addition to mailing you a disk and manual.
Name: Street address: City, State, Zip: Email: Newton OS:
Newton 1.x (Original MessagePad, MP100, MP110, some MP120) Newton 2.0 or 2.1 (Upgraded MP120, MP130, MP2000, MP2100, eMate 300)
Desktop machine:WindowsMacintosh
Newton Aviator ($59.95)
Logbook ($59.95)
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