Below you will find the history of changes in PocketMoney for iPhone.
CHANGES IN 1.1.3 - 5/19/08
- bug fixed:Fixed a bug that caused the total worth to not be calculated correctly when using multiple currencies.
CHANGES IN 1.1.2 - 4/18/08
- bug fixed: email backups will not longer send empty .gz backup file.
- bug fixed: Category1, Category2, Category3... as the default categories instead of Auto, Clothing, Computer...
CHANGES IN 1.1.1 - 4/16/08
- bug fixed: email backups should work no matter how user jailbroke their phone.
CHANGES IN 1.1 - 4/15/08
- feature added: Account, Category and Payee Reports/Graphs added to Tools menu.
- feature added: Backup databases via email added to Tools menu.
- feature added: Reconcile/Adjust Balance added to Tools menu.
- feature added: Go to First, Last, and transaction at specified date added to Tools menu.
- feature added: Rollup transactions added to Tools menu.
- feature added: Transitions effects added when changing between pages.
- bug fixed: amount refreshes on the transactions list screen after pressing checkbox.
- translations: tweaks to the Brazilian translations.
CHANGES IN 1.0.2 - 4/02/08
- feature added: preference added to sort transactions in descending order (newest at top of screen)
- feature added: hint added explaining how to use account list screen after they created their first account
- bug fixed: renaming an account now renames all transactions.
- bug fixed: editing 2nd half of transfers keeps it a transfer from instead of switching it to a transfer to
- bug fixed: duplicating transactions create both halves.
CHANGES IN 1.0.1 - 3/21/08
- feature added: multiple currency and exchange rate support.
- feature added: Edit button added for modifying accounts.
- localization: Simplified Chinese and Chinese versions added.
- localization: Brazilian Portuguese updated.
- bug fixed: Purchase button goes away after product is registered.
CHANGES IN 1.0 - 2/05/08
- feature added: new button implemented on edit screen for lookup lists.
- feature added: The category, payee, and id popup lists will be positioned based on the input in their fields on the Edit Transaction Screen. If you have a lot of categories and want to go to the P's quickly, then enter 'P' in the Category field and tap the >.
- bug fixed: Editing the date a second time resets the date/time picker.
- translations: updates to translation files.
CHANGES IN 1.0b6 - 2/04/08
- bug fixed: iPhone system update 1.1.3 issue fixed for storage of data.
- bug fixed: Limit and Fee fields no longer erased.
- bug fixed: Running balance is calculated correctly for accounts with transactions prior to 2000.
- bug fixed: Cleared Balance label is no longer truncated at bottom of Edit Transaction and Register screens.
- bug fixed: Accounts are renamed correctly.
- feature added: Overdraw/overlimit warnings implemented.
- feature added: New check number implemented.
- feature added: Include fee implemented.
- feature added: Registration screen implemented.
- feature added: The keyboard for Categories and Payees will auto cap each word.
CHANGES IN 1.0b5 - 1/17/08
- - 0000258: [Translations] French, Spanish, Italian, German, Japanese, Russia, Korean, Swedish, Norwegian, Portuguese translations.
- - 0000272: [Menus] Fixed bug so delete accounts stay deleted
- - 0000270: [Edit Transaction] Don't allow users to manually enter account names into Trans To
CHANGES IN 1.0b4 - 1/9/08
- - 0000259: [Edit Transaction] Added Cleared toggle switch to the Edit Transaction Screen.
- - 0000254: [Edit Transaction] Added Duplicate Record button to Edit Transaction Screen.
- - 0000251: [Edit Transaction] Added "Class" field to transaction item.
- - 0000200: [Lookup Editor] deleting of items from the lookup lists.
- - 0000245: [Balances] Account list shows cleared total worth along with overall total worth.
- - 0000268: [Database Support] Data not saved is PocketMoney relaunched immediately.
- - 0000179: [Misc.] Icon Name changed from PktMoney to PocketMoney
- - 0000264: [Edit Transaction] Hitting Back button for fields: Category and From.
- - 0000250: [Transaction List] Running Balance gets updated on a newly created or edited transactions.
- - 0000260: [Balances] Runs Recompute Balances on installation of new version.
- - 0000261: [Edit Transaction] Modifying payee and category in a previously blank transaction saves record.
- - 0000256: [Account Info] New Icons for Accounts.
- - 0000234: [Preferences] Prefs password field not longer hides what user inputs so user can verify it. Also password is reset upon installing 1.0b4 for users who had issues with being locked out because they couldn't verify their password.
- - 0000241: [Edit Transaction] the Cancel button is now black on the delete confirmation alert sheet.
CHANGES IN 1.0b3 - 12/27/07
- bug fixed: viewing transfers no longer crash
- bug fixed: amounts/balances on OS 1.1.2 are longer off the screen
- bug fixed: Imported Palm databases no longer crash when starting up PocketMoney
CHANGES IN 1.0b2 - 12/24/07
- feature: Password screen implemented
- feature: Assign icons to Account
- feature: Home currency implemented
- feature: Clicking > next to phone number in Account Info screen calls the number
- feature: Clicking > next to website in Account Info screen opens Safari to that website. "http://" required.
- feature: Show Accounts based on All, Non-Zero balances, and Total Worth is implemented
- bug fixed: creating a new transaction or new account without entering data will not create a blank account/transaction
- tweak: made font of category in the transaction list slightly bigger to make reading it a little easier
- tweak: Updated icons for Prefs, New and Delete
CHANGES IN 1.0b1 - 12/13/07
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