Happy Halloween
The MessagePad 10k might not be as portable as the orginal MessagePad, but it understands speech, can operate all of the appliances in your house, is a universal remote control, take out the garbage, cook, clean, sit, and speak.
There is also a backlight mode, but it won't be activated until later in the party.
Keyboards are incompatible with the MP10k.
- MP10k - a box, black and green paint mixed at a 1 to 3.5 ratio, and Apple logo.
- Two Newton keyboards
- Styls - cardboard tube painted on tops and aluminum foiled.
- Screen - greenish poster board.
- Backlight Screen - flouresent green poster board. (not shown)
- Newton water bottle - from Boston MacWorld 1994.
- Black Newton shirt - from the 1995 Newton developer conference?
- Newton hat - from 1997 MacWorld Boston.
- Suspenders - are a Pepsi product collected during college.
- Golden Retriever named Otter.
The Apple and Newton logos are trademarks of Apple Computer
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(last modified : Oct 30, 1997)