Snoozey version 2.0
Snoozey is a reminder enhancement for Newton OS 2.x that allows alarms to have longer range of snooze values. Set alarms days before an important event to give yourself enough notice to plan for it with the confidence that you can snooze the alarm in the interval you need.
Before Snoozey.
After Snoozey!!!
- 5 minutes of snooze
- 9 minutes of snooze
- 15 minutes of snooze
- 30 minutes of snooze
- 45 minutes of snooze
- 1 hour of snooze
- 2 hours of snooze
- 4 hours of snooze
- 8 hours of snooze
- 12 hours of snooze
- 18 hours of snooze
- 1 day of snooze
- 2 days of snooze
- 3 days of snooze
- 5 days of snooze
- 1 week of snooze
- Requires Newton OS 2.0
- Purchase with Register
Price $10.00
Download Package
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(last modified : July 14, 1998)