The World's Smallest Political Quiz with Survey for the Newton (1.2)

The World's Smallest Political Quiz is for everyone. It tries not to be biased to any single political tendency. Of the 370+ quizes I've given to people only two two people extremely shocked by the results, a lot of people are amazed, and most people agree with their results. The quiz is based on the quiz from The Advocates for Self-Government's Smallest Political Quiz.

This is another package that I wrote mostly for myself, but it can be a great topic of conversation or way to demo your Newton. My plan is to collect results from 5,000 Vermonter's over the next year, run for local office, collect another 5,000 results, run for state office, collect another 10,000 results, run for Congress, collect another 100,000 results (this time on tax payers money because I will be a congressman ;-), and finally run for president while continuing to write software for the Newton :-). OK, maybe I won't do this, but someone else could!




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(last modified : April 3, 1998)