Help me name the next Catamount Software product. If you submit an original name and I use it then I'll give you a free copy of the program.

The winner was Kristine Chapman. Kristine suggested MORGAN - Media ORGANizer. Kristine is my girlfriend because she always received free software anyway I still need to give away a copy of MORGAN. I've decided to give the free copy to Thomas Diessel who suggested "THis Organizes Media And Songs DIsks, Entertainment, Song, Sound, and Eighttrack Library". Which happens to acronyze to "THOMAS DIESSEL".

This program will allow you to track your books, CDs, tapes, 8 tracks, records and videos. Enter song titles, lyrics, and just about anything you need to track this sort of data.

I've received hundreds of responses. Do to the number of responses I am going to break the list into two pieces: 1) names that I like for the product and 2) other names. Being on list 2 doesn't necessarily mean I didn't like the suggestion, but it is already being used by another company, I don't think I could design a product around it, or the name doesn't have the imagery I'm looking for.

A few names have been suggested by multiple people. I'll put a star next to those names. Vote for names in either list or send in your own suggestion.

Suggestions I like best so far

Good Suggestions that didn't make the cut

There were even more suggestions, but this is enough to show the great user support.
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(last modified : March 31, 1997)