RUNewt.txt RUNewt 2.2 (aka Run,Newt,Run): runs native applications created by Newt 2.2 or beamed/mailed from RUNewt. Copyright 1994, S. Weyer, All Rights Reserved. Keywords: native Newton application delivery and transfer, Newt. RUNewt is freeware for end-users; if you like it, I ask that you send email to my kids (America Online: Krisbo and EllieJelly; internet:,, postcards, and/or other valuable tokens of appreciation. I also ask that you take a careful look at Newt 2.2 and considering registering for it so that you can find out more about NewtonScript programming and designing and distributing your own applications. Look for newt-devenv-22.sit or .hqx on the same server/service you found RUNewt. RUNewt may be freely distributed via online services and bulletin boards if it is unmodified and includes this file RUNewt.txt. It may not be commercially bundled or redistributed on CD-ROM, floppy disk, PCMCIA, networks or other media without my permission. Developers can contact me about invoking RUNewt from their applications, and bundling the latest (or custom version) of RUNewt with their applications -- all for a small flat licensing fee. Since the Newton "package format" for applications is basically undocumented, RUNewt stores and accesses applications differently, i.e., via its own soup. Currently, you create RUNewt-format applications on your Newton either - by saving applications created by Newt 2.2 (or later) -- see NewtNews.txt for a simple demonstration of a "Hello Demo" application (and register to receive the full manual) or - by receiving a beam or mail from another RUNewt user (and doing Put Away on the RUNewt items in your Inbox). After starting RUNewt, titles of any RUNewt applications appear in a scrollable list (overview returns you to the top). Once you make a selection, you can select an action from the Action(Routing) button to Run App, Beam, Mail (via NewtonMail) or Delete the selected application. Once another application is started, you can drag RUNewt out of the way, or just close it. When you have deleted all RUNewt applications, the "application soup" is removed. While RUNewt is open, it will interfere with scrolling and overview (and Save) in Newt and in user applications. A new Install command is offered as an experimental (i.e., unsupported, not completely reliable) feature. Install is similar to Run App except that it does not actually open your application -- instead, it adds an icon to your Extras drawer, and a global reference to your reconstituted app. The install lasts only until your next Restart. The DeInstall command gets rid of the Extras and global entries immediately. Although RUNewt-installed apps do not appear to interfere with removing/loading other packages, they do misbehave when a Card is removed or when you download a new version of RUNewt (because of its icon?) -- so, I would recommend either DeInstalling any RUNewt-installed apps or doing a Restart first. Revision History 2.2 (6/6/94) - support for additional system prototypes and viewclasses (see Newt 2.2) - two package versions: one with, one without protoEndPoint (+/- 13K) - added experimental Install/DeInstall commands 2.1 (4/20/94) - support for additional system prototypes - several bug fixes and cosmetic improvements 2.0 (2/15/94) - initial public release. synched version number to Newt 1.0 (1/94) - limited distribution beta release Stephen Weyer 17 Timber Knoll Drive Washington Crossing, PA 18977-1052 Internet: America Online/eWorld/NewtonMail: SteveWeyer AppleLink: WEYER.S