Additions to the PocketMoney Manual ----------------------------------- I am going to explain some of the changes mentioned in the version history of the README.TXT file. - The to/from field is 2 lines now. This was changed due to users' requests. - amount popup : see the documentation for editing popups. This works the same except it does not allow you to change the values. You can only add and remove items from the popup list. Also, the amount is a number, but it is being stored as a string in the popup because fo this when the list is sorted the numbers are sorted in alphabetic order not numeric order. - the intelligent assist support that I added is only enough to use Bill Kearney's Assistance package. Additional support will be added in the future for Assist. - the name finder icon - is located below the to/from label. Tapping this will search the names for matches to what you entered in the to/from field. This is a nicer approach than having it as a preference because you can make sure the name is correct before searching the names. This doesn't show up when you are editing transfers because it doesn't apply - you can only choose existing accounts. - the date field is now able to show the date or the date&time. It is a preference setting.