NotePak Change History: 1.15 > May have fixed a problem with due in ___ days filters. > Find by date now works (again). > Item text now defaults to the font/style set in the style palatte. Once the text is changed, then the font and style are must be set my the user. > NotePak no longer gives an error when a Category in imported via the NCK is not in the Category List. 1.14 > Made the Preferences solid, so that the user could not "click through" to the view behind it. > Better memory management in the entryview. > The folder bar at the top of the screen works again! > When a category is added, the Replace With popup button is hidden. > Fixed a problem displaying filters with sort set to date due and due in ___ days as a part of the filter > The NP button in dates will now show NotePak if NotePak is open. 1.13 > fixed a problem with Named Fitlers including due in ___ days. NotePak now uses the current date for this type of filter, not the date when the filter was created. > Duh! I fixed the scrolling problem I introduced in 1.12! 1.12 > fixed a filter problem 1.11 > fixed a printing problem when printing a multi-page check list. > updated the about box to reflect the cool name of Atomic Software! > Should draw the list view faster when there are less items to display than can fit on the screen. > Should draw list view faster when sort order field is one of the fields used in the filter. 1.1 > Changed the check list print format. It's amuch nicer format, but with one drawback, it will only print the first two lines of the item description. As soon as we can figure out how to do variable length text fields, we'll implement it! > fixed an error casused by find and replace in the category editor > fixed a problem with the sorting of named filters 1.1b2 > Fixed an install problem. 1.1b1 > I made the version higher to show that NotePak has new features. > Unregistered copies are now limited to 3 Named Filters and 6 categories > Named Fitlers are now sorted > Added a Date Completed field to the NCK. See the manual for more info. 1.02b2 > NotePak now places the buttons in the new filter screen in the right location for 110 pads. > Removed the Override To Do List button option, but added an NP button to the Dates application. 1.02b1 > NCK no long wipes out date due (Note: you must open NotePak on the Newton, then close NotePak, then do a Sync with the NCK to active this fix > InstallScript is automatically "nilled" to give you more memory > Moved the NP button one pixel to the right. > Added a preference to override the To Do button in the Dates app to open NotePak instead of the built in to do list. > added Named filters (see the docs, this is a very cool feature!). Change History: 1.01 > NotePak now clears the watch icon when an arrow is press in the overview and there are not enough items to scroll. > Fixed a problem when using a filter set to Due in 0 Days. > Added preferences screen which includes default priority for a new item. this screen will hold more prefs later > NotePak will set the default date due to the current date if sort is set to date due. > NotePak will not return to the overview when item's folder is changed in the entry view. > fixed a problem where the check boxes sometimes displayed wrong in the List View. > Added auto set % complete to preferences. When set to on, percent compelete will change to 100% when the Compelted checkbox is checked. Also, when % complete is set to 100, the Completed checkbox will be set to on. Finally, when percent complete is set to a value < 100, the Completed check box be set to unchecked. 1.0 > modified about text > Cleared the undo buffers when user press Up, Down, Overview, or New > Display watch icon when drawing overview. > Changed the text in the about screen after the user registers. > changed the Style button in the entryview to show the palette icon > use styles in the print one form.