Ê Database Manager For Newtonª by HealthCare Communications, Inc. Test Drive Kit Introduction Welcome to FilePadª, the flat-file database for the Newton MessagePadª and compatible Personal Digital Assistants. FilePad allows you to manage information on the go and transfer data to and from your personal computer. A file cabinet icon represents each database you create. Like a file cabinet, FilePad stores a variety of files. Unlike the average file cabinet, FilePad fits into the palm of your hand. Vital information goes wherever you do. About This Test Drive Kit This document will guide you through many features FilePad offers. The FilePad Demo software is fully functional. However, you are limited to three cabinets with six entries each. Features not included in the tutorial are summarized in the ÒOther FeaturesÓ chapter. There is also a reference guide to the FilePad Tool Bar at the end of the document. Preparing For The Test Drive Install FilePad - Install FilePad and FilePad Utils onto your Newton by using the Newton Connection Kit or Newton Package Installer. Once installed, the FilePad icon will display in your Extras drawer on the Newton MessagePad: Ê Create Sample Data - To create some sample data, first tap on the FilePad Utils icon in the Extras Drawer. Then tap on the Create Data button to display a poplist with four choices. Select ÒAdd Both SamplesÓ to create the ÒStudentsÓ and ÒTutorialÓ cabinets. When the button is deselected, close the application by tapping the close box (the X in the lower right corner of the view). When you have completed the test drive, tap the Remove Data button to delete the cabinets. Launch FilePad - After installing FilePad and creating the test drive cabinets, launch your FilePad application. In the Extras drawer, locate the FilePad icon and tap it. FilePad will launch and display the About View. Then tap the close box on the About View. The Cabinet View displays. You are now ready to take FilePad for a test drive! Ordering FilePad To find out where you can order your own copy of FilePad call 1-800-365-3690 ext 100. For information on site-licensing contact: HealthCare Communications, Inc. 300 South 68th Street Suite 100 Lincoln, NE 68510 402-489-0391Creating A Cabinet The view with tools for building database templates is called the Template View. Here you can build and edit cabinet templates. 1. To create a new cabinet, tap the New button in the lower left corner of the Cabinet View: Ê The Template View displays. Ê 2. Give the cabinet a title by writing the word ÒTestÓ in the Cabinet Name field. You can also double tap the blank line to bring up the newton keyboard and type the word. 3. To create a text field, tap on the text field button (second from the left) in the tool bar at the bottom of the view. Tap the canvas area and the text field will display. 4. To move the field to the top of the canvas area, tap and drag the field. 5. To make the field larger, tap and drag the resizing square (in the lower right side of the field). 6. Tap the Editor triangle in the upper right corner of the field to display the Text Field Editor: Ê 7. To name this field, scrub out the word ÒLabelÓ in the Title field and write the word ÒNewÓ. 8. Tap the Save button to close the window. The close box will close the view without saving the changes you have made. 9. To create a pair of radio buttons tap the Radio Buttons Tool (two small circles next to the Text Field Tool), then tap the canvas area. 10. Tap the Editor triangle in the upper right corner of the field to display the Radio Button Editor. Then title the radio buttons ÒtrueÓ and ÒfalseÓ. Tap the Save button. 11. Create another Radio Buttons field. 12. Now delete it by tapping the Zap Tool (looks like a lightning bolt) then tapping the Radio Buttons field. It disappears in a cloud of ÒsmokeÓ. 13. Now quit the Template View by tapping the Save button. If you tap the Cancel button, your changes would not be saved. 14. The Cabinet View displays with your new Test cabinet icon showing. Editing A Cabinet Once you have created a cabinet, you can edit it using the same tools. 1. Tap the Edit button, then the icon of the cabinet you want to edit. In this case, tap the Test cabinet icon. The Template View of your cabinet displays. 2. To add more pages, tap the Options button in the lower left corner of the view. The Layout Options View displays. Ê 3. Tap on the Pages poplist, and select Ò2Ó. 4. You can turn on a grid to help line up your fields. To use the grid, place checkmarks in the appropriate boxes. 5. Tap the close box in the lower right corner of the view to close the Layout Options view. 6. Now create a poplist by tapping on the Poplist Tool (next to the Radio Buttons Tool) then the canvas area. Notice the top left corner is aligned on the grid. 7. Edit the poplist by tapping the Editor triangle. Title the poplist ÒNumbersÓ, then add the items ÒoneÓ, ÒtwoÓ, ÒthreeÓ and ÒfourÓ. Then tap the Save button. 8. To move your poplist to the second page, tap on the Align/Nudge/Page Tool (the second tool from the right). The Align/Nudge/Page Tool displays: Ê 9. Highlight the poplist field by tapping on it. Then tap the Page button to display a poplist with the page numbers. Select Ò2Ó. Your poplist disappears from page 1. 10. To turn the page, tap the arrow at the bottom right corner of the canvas area. Your poplist is highlighted on the canvas area. Tap the canvas area to deselect it. 11. Create a checkbox by tapping on the Checkbox Tool (with two small squares on it), then tap the canvas area. 12. To align your poplist and your checkbox, highlight them, then tap on one of the double lines on the Align Tool. Align the top left corner by tapping the appropriate lines. Then tap on the canvas area to deselect them. 13. You can use the Layered Tool to bring the bottom field (the poplist in this case) to the top. The Layered Tool is the far right tool. Tap it, then tap the poplist field. The Layered Tool will cover the checkbox. 14. Now move the poplist away from the checkbox by tapping and dragging it to another part of the canvas area. 15. Tap the Save button to save your changes and return to the Cabinet View.Entering Data Now that you have created a database template, you can use your cabinet to enter data and print the data. 1. Open the Test cabinet by tapping on its icon in the Cabinet View. The Data Entry View displays: Ê 2. Tap the ÒNewÓ button to bring up a blank entry. Write a word in your text field, choose an item from your poplist, and make selections in your radio buttons and your checkbox. Use the arrows to access both pages. 3. Save your entry by pressing the Save button. 4. Now make some changes to your entry, such as scrubbing out and replacing the word in your text field, picking a different item from your poplist, or altering the values of the radio buttons and checkbox. 5. Since this entry has already been saved, tap the Mod button to modify it. Tapping the Save button again will create a duplicate entry. 6. To print this entry, connect your Newton to a printer using a Connection Cable. Then tap the Action button in the far upper right of the screen (looks like an envelope). A poplist appears. Ê 7. Select ÒPrintÓ. A print slip displays. Ê 8. In the print slip, use the ÒPrinterÓ poplist to select the correct printer type, and leave the ÒFormatÓ poplist on ÒEntryÓ. 9. You may now either preview or print by tapping the appropriate button. When you select ÒPrintÓ, your entry is sent to the Out Box. 10. In the Out Box, press the Send button and select ÒPrintÓ from the poplist, or tap on the itemÕs name in the Out Box to begin printing. Ê 11. Tap the close box to return to your cabinet. 12. Tap Done to return to the Cabinet View. Finding An Entry FilePad allows you to quickly search your database for entries meeting certain criteria. 1. Open the ÒStudentsÓ database by tapping on its icon in the Cabinet View. 2. Open the Browser View by tapping the Overview dot (located between the two Scroll arrows at the base your Newton): Ê The Browser View opens: Ê 3. Tap the Find button. The Find View displays: Ê 4. Enter a word to search for, i.e. ÒBobbyÓ. 5. Tap the Find button. The results of your search display in the Browser. 6. To do a more complex search, press the ÒMore ChoicesÓ button. A Query Table displays: Ê 7. To find students with a grade average of ÒAÓ, tap the button which currently says ÒLast:Ó A poplist appears. Select ÒGrade AverageÓ. 8. Tap the button displaying the Ò>Ó sign. Another poplist appears. Select Ò=Ó. 9. Write an ÒAÓ in the input line. 10. Press the ÒAdd to QueryÓ button. The criterion appears in the Query Table. 11. Press the Find button. After searching, FilePad reports that it found two entries meeting the criterion. 12. Close the Find View by tapping its close box. The two desired entries are displayed in the Browser. 13. Tap on one if the entries and close the Browser View by tapping its close box or the overview dot. The entry you selected is displayed. 14. Tap the Done button to return to the Cabinet View. Using Formulas You can make the value of a field equal to the result of a formula. You may perform calculations with the Calc button, or have them performed automatically when you change the value of a field. 1. Open the ÒTutorialÓ database by tapping its icon in the Cabinet View. 2. Turn to Page 4 by tapping the arrows at the bottom of the entry. 3. Enter numbers in both the ÒNumber 1Ó and ÒNumber 2Ó fields. 4. Press the Calc button, located to the right of the Mod button. The sum of ÒNumber 1Ó and ÒNumber 2Ó appears in the field called ÒFormula FieldÓ. Ê 5. Now tap the Action button in the upper right corner of the screen and select ÒOptionsÓ from the poplist. The Entry Options View displays: Ê 6. Place a checkmark in the box marked ÒAutoCalc OnÓ by tapping in it. 7. Close the Entry Options View by tapping the close box in its lower right hand corner. 8. Change a number in either the ÒNumber 1Ó field or the ÒNumber 2Ó field. The new sum is automatically placed in the ÒFormula FieldÓ. 9. Tap Done to return to the Cabinet View.Graphing Data FilePad will let you graph the data from up to four fields simultaneously using three different types of graphs. 1. Enter the ÒStudentsÓ database by clicking on its icon in the Cabinet View. 2. Tap the Graph button in the upper left corner of the Data Entry View. Ê The Graph Setup View displays: Ê 3. Select the ÒTimes AbsentÓ and ÒTimes TardyÓ fields by tapping on their names in the table. A diamond appears next to a selected field. 4. Select the type of graph by clicking on the appropriate icon under Graph Type. 5. Tap the Graph button in the lower right corner of the Graph Setup view to display your graph in the Graph View. 6. Tap the close box to quit graphing. 7. Tap Done to return to the Cabinet View. Other Features FilePad has other powerful features that are not in the Test Drive. Here are a few other features. Importing And Exporting Data FilePad comes with the application FilePad Link which lets you import and export data between your computer and Newton. FilePad Link supports AppleEvents, which allows connectivity to Macintosh and Microsoft Windows applications, including FileMaker Pro and Microsoft Excel. TPS Bar Code Reader FilePad fully supports the TPS Bar Code Reader for the Newton. LookUp Fields FilePadÕs LookUp fields let you automatically access data from other cabinets for use in different cabinets. Fax, Mail And Beaming With FilePad you can add information to your cabinet, then fax, mail and beam that data from your Newton.The Tool Bar The tool bar, at the bottom of the Template View, supplies you with a set of tools for building your customized cabinet template. Use this chapter as a reference guide when creating and editing cabinets. Ê Ê The Selection Tool The Selection Tool is used for moving fields on the canvas area of the Template View. To use the selection tool, tap the tool, then tap a field and drag it to your selected destination. Also use the Selection Tool to resize the field and modify a field by tapping the Editor triangle in the upper right corner of any field. Ê The Text Field Tool The Text Field Tool lets you create text and number fields for your cabinet template. Use this field to store names, addresses, phone numbers and other text and number information. Ê The Radio Buttons Tool Radio buttons are created in sets of two. Radio buttons give you one of two options. Ê The Poplist Tool Poplists contain up to four items that you can personalize by tapping the editor triangle. Ê The Checkbox Tool Title and customize your checkboxes using the editor triangle. Ê The Static Text Tool Use a static text field to label or title parts of the cabinet. The static text field cannot be changed by a user in the Data Entry View. Ê The Picture Tool The Picture Tool lets you create a field for sketching. Ê The Border Tool The Border Tool lets you create a variety of borders to accent your fields. Tap the Editor triangle to choose from various frames, frame widths, roundness, shadows or fills. Ê The Paragraph Tool The Paragraph Tool makes a field with several lines to accommodate large amounts of text. Ê The Zap Tool To delete fields, tap the Zap Tool then the field on the canvas area that you wish to delete. The field will disappear in a cloud of smoke. The Zap Tool will not delete fields that have been saved. Ê The Align/Nudge/Page Tool The Align/Nudge/Page Tool actually serves three functions. ¥ The Align Tool allows you to line up fields by their top, bottom, left or right edges. Highlight the fields you want lined up by tapping on them. Then tap the set of lines that correspond with the edges you want aligned. ¥ The Nudge Tool moves your fields up, down, left and right in small increments. Just highlight the field then tap on the arrow pointing in the direction you want the field to move. ¥ The Page button lets you move fields from one page to another. Highlight the field, then tap the Page button and designate the page the field should be moved to. Ê The Layered Tool Use the Layered Tool to move a field that is below another to the top. Simply tap the Layered Tool then the field you want moved to the front.