dFinder ("Newton Drug Finder") ©Copyright 1994, Ted Wei, Jr. version 1.01d By: Ted Wei, Jr. Tulane Medical School THIS PROGRAM IS NOT TO BE DISTRIBUTED ELECTRONICALLY OR BY ANY OTHER MEANS WITHOUT THE EXPRESS PERMISSION OF THE AUTHOR. ALL ELECTRONIC DISTRIBUTION MEANS EITHER COMMERCIAL OR FREE ACCESS (INTERNET) MUST REQUEST FOR PERMISSION BEFORE THIS SOFTWARE IS MADE AVAILABLE TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC. Disclaimer: Run this software at your own risk! This program is provided for educational purposes only, sample drugs and drug data included in the drugSoup have been provided to show the functionality of dFinder. The author makes no claims to the accuracy of the information and thus the data should not be used for actual patient management. I take no responsibility for the drug information provided. Recheck all data with appropriate text. This program and related files may not be separated or distributed by floppy or by any other commercial means without the written consent of the author. Requirements: Connection Kit or Other form of transfer Storage card! at least 1Meg Newton Message Pad or Sharp ExpertPad 1) -->If you have modified a previous version of drugSoup extensively and wish not to install a new drug soup, goto 1a). To install a new drugSoup, proceed to 1b) 1a). Load the KeepUtility, and tap on Install. This will install an extra soup required to run the new dFinder. Proceed to step 3. 1b). Use a utility program to remove any remnant of any previous version of drugSoup (you can also remove the old drugSoup by using the old utility program to remove the drugSoup) 2) -->Install New soup by loading and running the NEW soup program and tapping the install button (Make sure you followed step 1a or step 1b) 3) -->Run dFinder 4) -->You can conserve memory by deleting the Soup Utility after installing the drugSoup. 5) -->Reset the Newton just to clear memory! INSTRUCTIONS: List Screen: Upon starting the program you are faced with a list of drugs (if you properly installed the drugSoup). To display a particular drug information, just tap on the drug, or navigate up and down the list by tapping on the appropriate arrow on the lower portion of the Newton. You can also enter new drug information by tapping on the New button on the lower left portion of the screen. This will bring you into the Rx Editor where you can enter drug information which you desire. You also have the option of tapping on the About box which will display information about the program, its author, and the current version number. Drug Display Screen: After selecting a drug, you get a display screen with functions as seen in figure 2.1.  fig 2.1 Tap on the Routing Button to get the window pictured below. Here you can choose between three tasks. You can Either Edit the current drug information, Delete the current drug information or enter a New drug entry. Just tap on a selection, or tap on another part of the screen to cancel.  fig 2.2 In the drug display mode, the navigation tools take on special functions.  fig 2.3  Up-arrow: this allows one to view drug information on a drug that preceded the currently displayed drug. You will hear a system beep when you reach the top of the list.  Overview: This returns you to the List Display of the drug database available  Down-arrow: Similar to the up arrow, but displays the next drug. The direction arrows will navigate alphabetically up and down, depent on whether you are viewing the drug list by Trade Name or Generic Name. „One soup (database) is provided for evaluation . This is not a complete database. Contact the author for the following databases. General Medicine Soup - $25 Ophthalmology - $15 Over-The-Counter- $15 Psychiatry - $15 Make your own drugSoup (CUSTOMIZE!) via a stand alone database app! If you have the Newton Tool Kit, you can develop your own drug soups without the endless hours of tapping on the Newton). Just enter the information into the dFinder Drug Database and the app will write the appropriate NTK code. All you have to do is cut/paste/compile and you have an instant soup! (no pun intended) - if you don't have Newton Tool Kit, just send me the resultant code, and I'll compile it for you! - E-mail me for more info and availability. A Note From the Author This project was an accumulation of many hours of trying to learn how to program in NTK. As a fourth year medical student, I was influenced by a need for a quick drug reference during my rotation in outpatient medicine at Touro Infirmary, New Orleans, Louisiana. I wanted something quick and dirty, something that showed me what the drug was and some condensed information. If I want to know the whole biochemical mechanism, I'd look on a CD-ROM!! Initial versions were ambitious but too slow in the real world. After many comments and brain sessions with my cohorts Darwin Liao & Shirley Chen, I refined the initial Idea to what you see here. I hope you find this application helpful. Remember, the drugs that are included on the shareware application were chosen arbitrarily. This is distributed under the Honorware/Shareware system. If you find this software useful please register by sending $10 to the address below. This registers you for the current and any future versions of dFinder and discounts on future accessories. All comments / suggestions / requests welcomed. Please E-mail or snail mail to Ted Wei, Jr. Tulane Medical School 1430 Tulane Ave, Bx K-28 New Orleans, LA 70112 AOL: MedMac Internet: MedMac@aol.com I'm also interested in where this program ends up, so E-mail me, even just to say HELLO! This project was neither endorsed nor supported by Tulane Medical School. History: 9/1/93 - Started project, ver 0.01a 10/5/93 - Figured out soups and Edit function - Implemented List Function 11/23/93 - version 0.50§ completed - Added routing functions for New, Edit, Delete. 11/30/93 - Version 0.90§ first released to general public! 12/9/93 - ver. 0.95§ released, interm bug fix 1/6/94 - ver 1.00 - added soup category 1/22/94 - ver 1.01 released with updated drugSoup - First release version of dFinder 1/29/94 - ver 1.01d with error detection Future: stream line existing code Multiple soup access Beaming, printing, E-mail. Newton Intelligence Meta Soups Thanks to all the Beta-testers, and all those who gave me suggestions and comments on dFinder. Like fine wine, this software package will improve with age and only with your support! ©Copyright 1994, Ted Wei, Jr. Newton Icon and screen renditions done by Ted Wei, Jr. If you use these, please give me some credit for my hard work. None of the art included in this documentation was scanned! Newton, Newton Tool Kit, Newton Icons, Newton Intelligence are copyright Apple Computer Inc. other mentioned products are copyright by their respective companies. dFinder ("Newton Drug Finder") Registration Form Send to: Ted Wei, Jr. 1430 Tulane Ave. Bx K-28 New Orleans, LA 70112 Name: Address: City: State: Zip: Phone: Fax: Computer: Macintosh: PC: Profession: Do you have Newton Tool Kit: Where did you hear about dFinder?: Comments/Suggestions: quantity total Registration for dFinder ver 1.01d: $10 General Medicine Soup: $25 Ophthalmology Soup: $15 Psychiatry Soup: $15 Over-the-Counter Soup: $15 dFinder Drug Database app for Mac only: $45 Shipping: $5.00 Total: Choose a Disk format: Disk type: Mac: PC: Send via floppy: Current Version: Next major version: Total amount must be drawn on US funds only. Software will be sent ASAP via 3.5" floppy with printed documentation when requested within the continental US. Overseas shipping may vary, please contact the Author. Multiple discounts, and site licensing is available: