******************************************************************** *****************************Accountable Ltd. ************************** ******************************************************************** If youÕre familiar with your Newtonª device and any account manager, youÕll probably find that you can use Accountable Ltd. without further ado. But there are a few features and some cautions that are not obvious. *****Accountable Ltd. is, guess what, limited This freeware, demonstration version is limited to five accounts. Each of those accounts are limited to twenty transactions. If you decide to move up to Accountable, the data you create in Ltd. can be used in it. *****Install Accountable in the normal way Just follow the directions in the UserÕs Guide for your Newtonª Connection Kit. Accountable needs about 170 KB of space so for MessagePad and ExpertPad owners, a storage card is required. *****The overview button always goes to home base The list of accounts is AccountableÕs home base. No matter where you are in the application, a tap of the overview button returns there. *****Double-tap an account to see the transaction register *****Drag the elevators for fast scrolling *****Accountable responds to many words and phrases via Assist Accountable only adds the verb ÔPayÕ to the Assist menu, but it will also respond to: Charge, Deposit, Withdraw, Fly, and variations. Try running a phrase like ÒCharge $30 to Visa at Acme for shirtÓ through Assist, substituting your own credit account reference. ***** Each account can have its own icon Tap the default icon while creating an account to see a menu of icons. *****AccountableÕs password security is easy to defeat It is only intended to protect against inadvertent access. A determined snoop with the right tool and a little technical knowledge can easily get around it. *****Accountable ignores ÔStore new items on cardÕ Accountable always stores its data in the same soup so that transactions arenÕt inadvertently lost. *****Use ÔRemove SoupsÕ If you intend to stop using Accountable and remove it, run Remove Soups in the Routing menu. Besides removing the soups, it also cleans up some directories in your Newtonª unit. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Accountable Ltd. is Copyright ©1994 by Nomadic Technologies. It may be distributed freely for non-commercial purposes with this documentation file and the order form file. Rights are reserved by the author. The author assumes no risk in the use of this software. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Newton is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc.