- Evolutions
- 8/20/05
- Life is a funny thing. So are Websites. If you've ever been to some ratty geocities webpage or some other free webservice I'm sure you've seen the webpage that had tons of updates for a while, then they started to drift off, and then without much warning they just stoped. Most of them don't hold a lot of value to anyone but the owner, so they drift off into obscurity and are eventually deleted from the web. This homepage space is sort of like those lost pages, a website I used to update religiously but have since all but stopped updateing the way I have. With blogs and content management systems, and dynamic services this site doesn't intrest me as much as it once did. I still care for it, but I'm not going to make false promises about updates I know I'm not going to make, so here this is, a notice of my intentions. At this time, this homepage, my archives, and current info, will not be regularly update. I doubt I will be removing them but I'm not making big damned changes in the foreseable future. Quotes, interesting material, any hacks and mods I do will still be placed on this site, significant changes will be announced on the blog. Email, paypal links, and ads will remain valid. If you find something worthwhile, please send some money this way because I still plan to keep this site up.
- Various archives
- Last Month's Archives
The 2004 updates
The 2003 updates
The 2002 updates