Ballmer says M$oft would continue to offer XP - if only consumers wanted itLiar, liar, pants on
![]() Steve Ballmer has offered a glimmer of hope to fans
of the company’s Windows XP operating system, saying the company could
reconsider its decision to phase out XP in June
if customers show they want to keep it but so far they have
Mr. Ballmer was adamant that “most people who buy PCs today buy them with Vista.” “That’s the statistical truth,” he told reporters at a news conference at Louvain-La-Neuve University. “If customer feedback varies, we can always wake up smarter.” Mr. Ballmer said the customers buying PCs with XP are IT departments who are having trouble shifting old machines to newer technology. I’ve actually heard of corporations that considered their existing base of users as - you guessed it - customers. Making them happy brings in new customers. Posted: Fri - April 25, 2008 at 07:33 AM |