Death by blogging!

More silly faux journalism.

The New York Times, apparently, has recently discovered that some people blog as a career. Even worse, the stress of blogging is killing us: they adduce as evidence the recent (and tragic) deaths of Russell Shaw and Marc Orchant, and closer to home for us, Om Malik’s heart attack. Reading the article in the Times, you’d think that tech blogging in particular is one of the most dangerous things you could pick for an occupation…

Perhaps the Times should have consulted…some lower-stress bloggers before publishing their story. But then, how would they keep their page views up? I’m looking forward to the day when the major media starts publishing balanced stories about blogging and other forms of web work, instead of continually treating us as a freak show. Of course, as Marc Andreessen reminds us, future headlines could be worse.

I think some of our readers are more stressed by our blogging - than we are.

Posted: Mon - April 7, 2008 at 10:22 AM