iPhone owners do everything but talk

Divergence parallels convergence.

Users of Apple’s iPhone are using the device to do everything but talk on the phone, according to a new study, transforming the product into a mobile entertainment platform rather than just a cellular phone.

Owners of competing products - such as Nokia’s N92 or Research in Motion’s Blackberry - use their phones for voice communications 71.7 percent of the time market researcher, iSuppli discovered, while iPhone owners spend just 46.5 percent of their time with the product engaged in voice calls.

“This usage pattern shows Apple has succeeded in producing a true convergence product that consumers like to use for multiple purposes,” said Greg Sheppard, chief development officer for iSuppli…

U.S. consumers said they spent 12.1 percent of their iPhone usage time accessing the Internet, a stark contrast with 2.4 percent for all mobile phones on average.

Furthermore, iPhone owners spent 11.9 percent of their usage time listening to music or other audio, compared to just 2.5 percent for all mobile handset users.

Interesting contradiction to the ever-shrinking number of folks [like me] who just want a cellphone to make phone calls.

"Mobile entertainment platform" isn't adequate. I'd substitute "communications and media". If I still was working at commerce and sales, I'd have an iPhone in a heartbeat.

Posted: Sat - April 5, 2008 at 10:06 AM