Photoshop Express - Web-based and free

The way to go...

Adobe Systems opened up the Beta of Photoshop Express, today, its long-anticipated Web-based image editor aimed at the millions of consumers that want a simple way to touch up, share, and store photos.

Photoshop Express…is a significant departure from Adobe’s desktop software business and a big bet that it can make money offering Web services directly to consumers.

The application, which needs Flash Player 9 to run, pushes the limits of browser-based applications and will likely ratchet up the competition on the dozens of free and online photo-editing products available now…

Rather than only an image editor, Photoshop Express also has ties to social networking sites like Facebook and other image-sharing sites…

Web-based applications provide adequate solutions for most non-professional users. That won’t prevent “professionals” from whining about features shy of full-blown Photoshop CS.

Thanks, Helen

Posted: Thu - March 27, 2008 at 07:55 PM