Little old lady suing Sony, Samsung, Nokia and everyone else for infringing on her patents

Hey, hey, hey!

Oh sure, she looks friendly enough. But don’t let her matronly, argyle looks fool you.

Retired Columbia University Professor, Gertrude Neumark Rothschild, is looking to extract some cold, hard cash from a who’s who of Consumer Electronics giants. Otherwise, they can forget about importing their goods into the US.

Rothchild’s complaint filed with the US International Trade Commission (ITC)…claims that some 30 companies are violating a patent she owns for light-emitting and laser diodes. The ITC has agreed to investigate the matter.

It’s worth noting that Rothchild has already successfully tested the legislative waters with lawsuits against Philips and others — the Philips matter was settled out of court earlier this month. In other words, her case has legs.

I tend have mixed feelings about patent suits in the high-tech arena, nowadays. Most of them are crap extortion.

However, she got a settlement from Philips - even though she worked for them for 25 years.

This could be the real deal.

Posted: Fri - March 21, 2008 at 02:50 PM