Wal-Mart drops Linux computers from store shelves - keeps ‘em online

Wrong demographic.

Computers that run the Linux operating system instead of Microsoft Corp.’s Windows didn’t attract enough attention from Wal-Mart customers, and the chain has stopped selling them in stores.

To test demand for systems with the open-source operating system, Wal-Mart stocked the $199 “Green gPC,” made by Everex of Taiwan, in about 600 stores starting late in October.

Walmart.com, the chain’s e-commerce site, had sold Linux-based computers before and will continue selling the gPC. This was the first time they appeared on retail shelves.

Different strokes for different demographics. Low price obviously didn’t overcome unfamiliarity at the walk-in level.

Posted: Tue - March 11, 2008 at 11:44 AM