Want to have women hitting on you? Hang out at an Apple Store.

For real...

Cosmopolitan started the whole discussion with an article - for women - about where to meet choice guys.

If you’re on the prowl, check out these hottie spots we’ve mapped out — they’re saturated with the male species…

As you probably well know, man hunting can be an enjoyable but sometimes challenging enterprise. That’s why, if you want to find guys, you have to go where tons of them gather. Cosmo scouted out the top locations men can be found these days — whether you’re looking for a fun fling or a long-term relationship.

Hot spot: The Apple store

The draw: Most guys are natural gadget lovers, and with sales of iPods and MacBooks skyrocketing, more men than ever are stopping by Apple boutiques. The vibe at the stores is conducive to man meeting too: You can check your email among cuties, take a free workshop on anything from Photoshop to podcasting (a great opportunity to strike up a conversation), or just survey the, ahem, good-looking merchandise.

Who’da thunk it?

Posted: Sun - March 2, 2008 at 01:54 PM