Toshiba to give up on HD DVD

That's all she wrote.

Toshiba is planning to give up on its HD DVD format for high definition DVDs, conceding defeat to the competing Blu-Ray technology backed by Sony.

The move will likely put an end to a battle that has gone on for several years between consortiums led by Toshiba and Sony vying to set the standard for the next-generation DVD and compatible video equipment.

The format war, often compared to the Betamax-VHS battle in the 1980s, has confused consumers unsure of which DVD or player to buy, slowing the development what is expected to be a multibillion dollar high definition DVD industry.

Toshiba’s cause has suffered several setbacks in recent weeks including Friday’s announcement by U.S. retailing giant Wal-Mart that it would abandon the HD DVD format and only stock its shelves with Blu-ray movies.

Well, that’s the end of that.

At least, until the next leap in technology which pits two Japanese companies against each other.

Posted: Sun - February 17, 2008 at 06:41 AM