Google dissects revenue from cellphones. Astonished at increases from iPhone users.

Is it really that difficult to survey and analyse market requirements?

Google has seen 50 times more searches on Apple‘s iPhone than any other mobile handset, adding weight to the group’s confidence at being able to generate significant revenues from the mobile internet.

“We thought it was a mistake and made our engineers check the logs again,” Vic Gundotra, head of Google’s mobile operations…

If the trend continues and other handset manufacturers follow Apple’s lead in making web access easy, the number of mobile searches will overtake fixed internet searches “within the next several years”, Mr Gundotra said.

More searches mean increased revenues for Google, which makes its money from advertising attached to search results. Google has never separated out its mobile revenues but Mr Gundotra said the business was growing “above expectations”, both in terms of usage and revenues…

“The world is changing. Users want an internet without fences. They know how to type in if they want to get to it. Two years ago the operators were still playing the role of gate keepers but that is no longer the role for them,” Mr Gundotra said.

The silly buggers are the corporations who leave user interface, end-user, choices in the hands of people wholly divorced from the needs of consumers.

Who’s left in the wonderful world of handset design who doesn’t know that people want easy access to the Web?

Posted: Fri - February 15, 2008 at 05:44 AM