Microsoft offers $44.6 Billion for Yahoo

"Blind leading the blind" comes to mind.

Microsoft has made an unsolicited $44.6 billion cash and stock bid for Yahoo, a deal that shakes up the competitive and lucrative market for Internet search…

In a copy of the letter it sent to Yahoo’s board of directors, Microsoft disclosed it had explored a Microsoft-Yahoo deal a year earlier, only to be rebuffed with Yahoo telling it at that time it was confident of the “potential upside” for Yahoo from operational changes it planned.

“A year has gone by, and the competitive situation has not improved,” the letter from Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer said.

John Dvorak has skewered this package deal a couple of times. What happened to either of these outfits working at their core businesses? How is an acquisition really expected to help?

Posted: Fri - February 1, 2008 at 06:14 AM