LANL Scientist makes radio waves travel faster than light


Most people think Einstein said that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light, but that’s not really the case

Einstein predicted that particles and information can’t travel faster than the speed of light — but phenomenon like radio waves? That’s a different story, said John Singleton, a Los Alamos National Laboratory Fellow.

Singleton has created a gadget that abuses radio waves so severely that they finally give in and travel faster than light.

The polarization synchrotron combines the waves with a rapidly spinning magnetic field, and the result could explain why pulsars — which are super-dense spinning stars that are a subclass of neutron stars — emit such powerful signals, a phenomenon that has baffled many scientists, Singleton said…

And beyond explaining what has been a bit of a mystery to the astronomical community, Singleton’s discovery could have wide-ranging technological impacts in areas such as medicine and communications, he said.

“Because nobody’s really thought about things that travel faster than light before, this is a wide-open technological field,” Singleton said.

And like Singleton says - Einstein wouldn’t have been upset by this at all.

Posted: Sat - January 19, 2008 at 01:26 PM