Swedes use warm bodies to heat train station

Thermodynamics rocks.

Built in 1871, Stockholm Central Station is the largest train station in the country and in the Nordic region. Around 250,000 persons pass through it every day. It is the heat generated from these visitors that the state owned company, Jernhuset, wants to use for heating the new complex which will include an office building, a hotel and a retail section. How does it work? quite simply, the heat generated will warm up water running through pipes which will be installed in the station. The water will be pumped to the new building and used to heat the spaces inside.

“This is old technology, but used in a new way. It’s just pipes, water and pumps, but we haven’t heard of anyone else using this technology in this way before,” said Karl Sundholm leader for the new project.

I noticed this the other day - and forgot to post it - until I was reminded by a report on DW-TV.

Cost for the system? 20,000 Euros.

Posted: Thu - January 17, 2008 at 05:34 AM