Designer of OLPC starts her own company

It's an ill wind, etc...

The scientist who designed a notebook computer for poor children that is being produced and sold by a nonprofit foundation has set up a company to commercialize the technology with a goal of producing a $75 laptop computer.

Mary Lou Jepsen, who left her post as chief technology officer of the One Laptop per Child Foundation at the end of last year, said on the company’s Web site that she has founded the company, called Pixel Qi, and described it as “a spin-out” from the nonprofit group.

Jepsen invented a low-cost, low-power sunreadable screen while at the foundation from 2005 to 2007. She also co-invented its power management system…The high-resolution display that she invented lets users switch from color to black-and-white when it is in direct sun.

“It’s an ill wind, etc…” Especially when you return to the world of competitive commerce.”

Posted: Fri - January 11, 2008 at 08:34 AM