Wal-Mart cancels movie download service - because of Hewlett-Packard!


Wal-Mart Stores Inc quietly canceled its online video download service less than a year after the site went live, a company spokeswoman said on Thursday.

Wal-Mart shut down the download site after Hewlett Packard Co discontinued the technology that powered it, Walmart.com spokeswoman Amy Colella said in an e-mail. She added that it will not look for another technology partner.

HP spokesman Hector Marinez said the company decided to discontinue its video download-only merchant store services because the market for paid video downloads did not perform “as expected.” He noted that the Internet video business remains uncertain and is changing rapidly…

All the news about Wal-Mart shutting the service down sounded like it was their own decision. It seems that H-P must have walked in the door with the package in the first place - and back out, again, when it turned out not to be a winner.

Posted: Sat - December 29, 2007 at 05:46 AM